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What is the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure (DePIN) Narrative in Crypto?

Shann Holmberg


Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN) is shaping up to be one of the hottest narratives to keep an eye on in 2024. This innovative sector experienced a significant surge, with around 650 new projects launching. This remarkable growth is evident in the sector’s market capitalization, which soared to an impressive $20 billion, coupled with an estimated $15 million in annualized on-chain revenue, according to a recent report by Messari.

This interest in DePINs is largely due to their unique capability to integrate blockchain into tangible, real-world applications. Traditional blockchain networks have primarily focused on digital transactions and interactions. However, DePINs extend these benefits to physical infrastructure, enabling real-world assets and services to be tokenized and managed on a blockchain.

What makes DePINs particularly newsworthy is their ability to democratize access to various services. These networks offer decentralized solutions for everyday needs such as Wi-Fi access, transportation, data storage, mapping services, energy, and more. A key advantage here is the opportunity for users to earn rewards for their participation in these networks. This not only encourages broader adoption of blockchain but also provides a tangible incentive for users to engage with these services.

What is DePIN?

DePIN represents a significant advancement in the intersection of cryptocurrency and real-world applications. It stands as a pioneering concept aimed at integrating digital technology with physical infrastructure. This approach is seen as a key driver in the evolution of Web3, expanding the scope of cryptocurrencies from primarily financial transactions to more diverse, real-world applications.

At its core, DePIN is about empowering and incentivizing individuals to actively participate in enhancing public infrastructure. This concept is particularly relevant in a global context where trust in institutions is wavering, and bureaucratic efficiency is often questioned. By leveraging DePIN, the power and wealth associated with infrastructure development and maintenance can be decentralized, shifting control and benefits back to local communities and citizens.

Moreover, DePIN is gaining traction among savvy crypto investors, with many placing multiple bets on its potential. This interest from the crypto community highlights the belief in DePIN’s ability to scale global infrastructure in a fundamentally correct and efficient manner, setting a new standard for how we think about and interact with our physical surroundings through the lens of digital technology.

How Does DePIN work?

DePIN enhances the capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT) by integrating blockchain and community-driven incentives. Here’s a simplified explanation of how DePIN works:

Physical Infrastructure: This involves actual facilities like sensors, internet routers, or energy-generating equipment like solar panels. Private providers, who may already own these facilities, contribute them to the DePIN network. Think of it like a blockchain network where participants contribute resources to maintain the network’s functionality.

Middleware: Acting as a bridge, the middleware connects the blockchain with the physical infrastructure. It collects data from the infrastructure and relays it to the DePIN network. This is like a decentralized oracle network in blockchain systems, which gathers and communicates external data to the blockchain.

Blockchain System: The collected data is managed by the blockchain, which functions as an administrator and payment system. It allocates resources across providers and calculates rewards based on their contributions, distributing these rewards in cryptocurrency. For users, the blockchain facilitates service access and billing, with integrated pricing models ensuring timely charges for services used.

Community-Driven Ecosystem: DePIN transforms traditional hierarchical business models by adopting a community-driven approach. This allows for more efficient scaling and operation at lower costs compared to conventional infrastructure models. By involving multiple stakeholders and incentivizing participation, DePIN fosters a collaborative environment for infrastructure development and operation.

In summary, DePIN is a forward-thinking model that combines the strengths of IoT, blockchain, and community engagement to transform infrastructure deployment and operation. It provides an efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solution by leveraging decentralized technologies and crowdsourced participation.

How DePINs Transform Web3?

DePIN Web3 represents a transformative approach in the Web3 ecosystem, aimed at overcoming some of the critical challenges posed by centralized infrastructures. Here’s how DePIN improves Web3:

Decentralized Model: Traditional Web3 infrastructures often rely on centralized systems, which can lead to bottlenecks or points of failure. DePIN introduces a decentralized approach, distributing the workload and responsibilities across multiple points.

This not only reduces the pressure on any single point but also enhances the overall robustness and adaptability of the infrastructure. It’s particularly beneficial for decentralized applications (dApps) that require a stable and efficient platform to operate.

Support for Resource-Intensive Applications: Some applications, especially those in the Web3 space, need substantial resources like computing power, data storage, and bandwidth. DePIN steps in by offering a decentralized network of these resources.

It essentially pools together the necessary computational and storage capacities from various sources, making them readily available for developers and their applications. This approach ensures better resource availability and reliability.

Global Accessibility and Adoption: One of the standout features of DePIN is its ability to make Web3 technologies more accessible globally. In regions where traditional centralized infrastructure is limited or unavailable, DePIN can be a game-changer.

By decentralizing the resources, it allows for the widespread adoption of innovative technologies, even in remote or underdeveloped areas. This global reach empowers users from all corners of the world to engage with and benefit from decentralized technologies, fostering a more inclusive digital environment.

Overall, DePIN Web3 is a crucial development in making the Web3 ecosystem more efficient, reliable, and globally accessible, paving the way for the creation and adoption of innovative decentralized applications and technologies.

Benefits and Challenges Associated With DePIN

By moving away from the top-down and capital-heavy approaches typically employed by legacy companies, DePIN aims to foster a more equitable and efficient framework. Here are some benefits and challenges associated with implementing DePIN, providing a comprehensive understanding of its impact and potential in reshaping infrastructure development.

Benefits of DePIN

Community Control and Decentralization:

  • DePIN transforms traditional infrastructural systems by decentralizing control, shifting it from large corporations to a community of individual contributors.
  • Similar to miners in a Proof of Work (PoW) network, each participant contributes resources and has a say in the system proportional to their investment.
  • In its ideal form, DePIN operates like an industrial DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), where control is evenly distributed among all providers.

Fair Pricing:

  • Unlike traditional facilities, DePIN’s pricing model is designed to be more equitable.
  • Costs are determined by the expenses borne by private providers to maintain their part of the facility and other network-related factors.
  • Reduced additional charges as the platform itself may not have significant operational costs.
  • Expected to be more affordable, with pricing set considering fairness and accessibility, unlike centralized institutions.


  • DePINs offer both passive and active income opportunities for providers.
  • Enables individuals to earn from resources that would otherwise be dormant.
  • Projects like Nunet highlight this by monetizing idle computing power, allowing providers to earn from underutilized resources.
  • It can be scaled across various jurisdictions in a permissionless manner.
  • Facilitates frictionless micropayments and easy integration with decentralized finance (DeFi).

Challenges Associated With DePIN

Incentive Models:

  • Current incentivization schemes in DePIN can be overly dilutive, and their practical benefits might not always match the theoretical promises.
  • Developing effective incentive models that balance provider rewards and system sustainability is a significant challenge.

Development and Demand Time Horizon:

  • Building applications and generating demand in the DePIN sector often takes longer than in consumer app markets.
  • The extended timeframe for development and user adoption poses a challenge for rapid growth and sustainability.

Competition with Established Web2 Giants:

  • DePIN platforms are up against formidable competitors like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.
  • Disrupting legacy competitors requires substantial effort, innovation, and professional strategies.
  • The battle for market share against these established entities can be daunting due to their vast resources and customer base.

DePIN Projects By Sector


DePIN enables a more efficient, transparent, and decentralized energy distribution and consumption system in the energy sector. DePIN projects in this sector promote the collation of reliable energy supply data and the utilization of these data to develop environment-friendly energy practices.

Rowan Energy is a DePIN project already promoting the DecEnergy (Decentralized Energy) concept in the UK. Central to Rowan Energy’s strategy is its commitment to sustainable energy production, embodied in its low-carbon blockchain. This blockchain operates on a unique Proof of Generation consensus mechanism, which not only minimizes the environmental impact but also fosters the generation of clean energy. This approach is perfectly aligned with the global pursuit of net-zero emissions objectives.

A key innovation in Rowan Energy’s arsenal is the SmartMiner device. This multifunctional device, which doubles as a smart meter and a crypto miner, is installed alongside solar panels. Homeowners equipped with the SmartMiner can earn solar cashback — approximately £2 per day — for every kilowatt-hour of solar energy produced. This incentive system not only encourages the adoption of renewable energy but also facilitates the sale of surplus energy via Rowan’s peer-to-peer energy trading platform.

Further extending its sustainable vision, Rowan Energy has introduced NFT Carbon Offset Certificates. These certificates represent the renewable energy generated by their customers and provide a transparent, reliable means for both individuals and businesses to offset their carbon footprints. The use of Rowan’s Blockchain in this context guarantees the integrity and verifiability of the data.

At the core of Rowan Energy’s model is a three-tiered system: The renewable energy generated by solar panels forms the physical infrastructure, the SmartMiner serves as the middleware, and the Proof of Generation blockchain acts as the distributed ledger. The RWN token, integral to this ecosystem, functions as a rewards system, incentivizing and rewarding the production and consumption of renewable energy.

Wireless Sector

In the wireless domain, DePIN is revolutionizing the way we think about connectivity, particularly for IoT and cellular devices. By creating decentralized platforms that allow sharing of connectivity, these projects are changing the game. The concept is quite intriguing: providers of connectivity resources get compensated in cryptocurrencies, adding a financial incentive to the mix. It’s all about a fair exchange; the more you contribute to the network’s connectivity, the more you’re rewarded.

A prime example is Helium Network, which is challenging the dominance of large network providers. With a clever multi-token system, each token plays a crucial role in managing network resources and compensating providers. Users burn the HNT token to access connectivity services, and the MOBILE token is the lifeblood of Helium’s 5G project. For those who own 5G hotspot bundles and provide network coverage, the MOBILE token is their reward.

Storage Networks

Turning to decentralized storage networks, we’re seeing a shift in how data storage is approached. These networks offer on-demand storage space, and in return, providers who offer up their storage space are compensated.

Filecoin, for instance, is on a mission to make the web safer and more efficient. It’s not just about storage; it’s about creating a marketplace for decentralized data storage, complete with its own protocol and cryptocurrency. Filecoin’s blockchain meticulously records the storage space each provider contributes, and these contributors are rewarded in Filecoin. Meanwhile, users who need to store data securely pay a fee to rent these storage spaces.

Another noteworthy project is SKYNET, which is making waves in cloud computing. It promises to deliver a level of computing power, security, and efficiency that traditional cloud services can’t match and at significantly lower costs. What makes SKYNET stands out is its commitment to data security and compliance with stringent laws like the EU-GDPR. This decentralized approach not only ensures affordability but also guarantees that users maintain ownership and control over their data — a significant advantage over conventional cloud services.

Wrapping Up

By leveraging decentralized networks of physical resources, DePIN is poised to transform how our societal infrastructures operate. However, there are hurdles to overcome, particularly having to compete with established traditional giants.

Despite the challenges, the shift towards such decentralized systems is already underway, marking a significant step towards building more robust, efficient, and forward-thinking infrastructures for the future. As we navigate this exciting transition, our collective efforts play a crucial role in shaping a more interconnected and efficient world.



Shann Holmberg

Web3 agency builder. Passionate about data-driven marketing and brand building.