Feb 4, 2022


“Forget Me Nots”
A Haibun Poem

I am hungry for meaning.
Struggle. Trauma. Fight.
Hard stares inward exhaust my own reflection.
The muck always drags me to a trudge as I pull bootstraps from sealing cement. My bare feet, booting boots, find grass. Troubles drain away into cool green blades between toes and tickled arches as fragrance fills my senses. I let go of me.

Fresh Forget Me Nots
Ego Death nourishes life.
Fertile soil births blooms.

Special thanks to Harry Stefanakis for sharing his Haibun “Dionysian Purpose” and for being my teacher here. He kindly shared how to write a Haibun and I just had to try it! Thanks Harry!




Neurodivergent Writer & Poet. Editor for Move Me Poetry