Ask Me Anything Part 2

Shannon (HΩDL) Code
10 min readMay 5, 2020


21. Emblem (EPS) ,Emblem App release this year ?

Part of this answer is contained in AMA 1, questions 1, 3, and 17.

In general, here is what else I can offer as a direct response.

Some baseline Emblem blockchain services are currently being proven out to support the Mission-R objective and also be able to support any other similar project, wanting to track items on a supply chain, but not necessarily needing an Emblem Vault. The mission-R objective is on a 6 week timeline, and as of the time of this writing, we are 2 weeks and 1 day in.

Immediately following that, the alpha Emblem Vault services will be tested a tiny bit more thoroughly and then applied to these baseline blockchain services.

We are currently searching for someone to help us integrate Emblem Vault services into an open-source universal wallet. BRD wallet is our current front-runner for this integration. Basically, we want to combine the work we did and did not finish with the Emblem App last fall with universal wallet features, and we hope that this can be done relatively quickly with external help.

I’m no longer in the business of guessing when on just about anything (thank you COVID-19), but this year? Sure, that is a completely reasonable timeframe for both EPS and the Emblem App. If not, we’ll probably be out of business.

22. Exactly economics between Emblem and Coval ?

This is addressed in AMA 1 question 2.

23. Cmc relisting in the works ?

The Lukki exchange has recently been added to CMC as a qualifying exchange. This is the final piece we needed to become a ‘tracked listing’ per CMC’s tiers. We will definitely pursue asking CMC to re-evaluate Coval for this reason!!

24. How does the team talk to others about Coval-Emblem-Ckt Builder it is a mouth full where do you start?

Answering this one makes me smile.

It usually involves some drinks. The shortest answer is that the Emblem ecosystem intends to bring the power of blockchain to everyone.

And, there is not a simple answer. Much of how this goes depends on the exact audience. We have fumbled through so many conversations, getting excited and passionate, only to realize that the person didn’t understand what we were talking about.

To that end, this is why we have been doing these exercises where we go into a room without any computers or resources and begin, fresh, to describe what problems we are solving, how we solve them, and what EV or CB is.

CB is really really easy to talk about. We can speak on just about any level about what CB is and how it can be used.

EPS (and this EV) is more difficult to explain. We use the “piggy bank” analogy a lot. It’s like a digital piggy bank that you can put all kinds of stuff into, and everyone can see what’s inside of it, but only one person has the key to get the contents inside. And once the piggy bank gets transferred from person A to person B, person B then knows that person A can not possibly get into the piggy bank any more; only person B can. When we inevitably get into the revenue model for EPS and EV, we talk about Coval and Fuel and how they are used to power the underlying transactions.

25. Are there some bigger partnerships in plan for 2020 ? Any contact between unspecified and other companies for partnerships ?

I both love and hate this question. The short answer is YES YES YES. The hard part is that we are almost always legally bound not to talk about them until there is a more concrete contract and both parties have agreed to exactly how and when partnerships will be published. NDAs prevent it, and if we break that, we are liable to a lawsuit.

Hopefully it is enough to know that for now, we have a few public partnerships (CyberFM, Smashing Boxes, etc), and I can think of … at least 4 others (1 of those is VERY big) that I cannot talk about.


26. Marketing Strategies after release of CB and Emblem,App ?

I can speak to this a little bit, but not fully.

First is that we are planning a content marketing campaign. Writing blog posts, getting social media presence stronger, writing articles in our local WRAL TechWire, making short videos with demos, and cross-promotion with our partners are all on our list.

Most other marketing strategies take money, and we hope to have that later this year to begin to put toward wider reach and exposure. Our business partner, Eric has a background in marketing, and we will be leaning on his guidance in that area moving forward.

27. when i was excited about coval people were pushing emblem when i got on board with emblem people were pushing circuit builder not sure where everybody else is i am on Coval? I would like to see the top direct the community on this and find focus.

What a long and crazy ride it has been, right? I can completely understand the apparent lack of focus. The most fun thing about it is that once you understand how the story has unfolded (which we have admittedly been way too quiet about), it makes a lot more sense and offers hope for what has been increasing focus.

First, “the top” will be much more active and vocal in the community from now on. Our team is leaner and more focused than it has ever been. Let me see if I can summarize the story succinctly.

Coval has always been intended to be a “playground” or “sandbox” for all kinds of crypto projects. Shannon’s vision has always been to make blockchain accessible to everyone, creating products that make it simple for companies to harness this technology, which he has always seen as inevitable. Emblem Vault was one project that came out of the Coval sandbox.

In 2018, Emblem Vault had a contract with UN to take the code that Shannon had written and make it better — write the code in a way that would allow for real enterprise use. That means wrap tests around it, follow clean coding practices, containerize it and put it into a cloud platform, etc. Work against that was done.

As we went into 2019, we saw so much more excitement about what Emblem Vault could do, both internal to the team and external. We decided that Shannon would become a part of UN, and EV would become a UN product. UN was hoping that it could take paid services contracts that would be lucrative enough to cover payroll for some employees, and free some other employees to make further progress on the EV product.

At the end of 2019, we make the tough decision to stop all service contracts, stop payroll for the employees, and commit to focus 100% on EV as a company. The heart of what remained for full enterprise-grade EV, ready to stand up to real value transactions, and ready to stand up to full regulatory scrutiny, was writing the system to take advantage of modern cloud technologies and containerization paradigms. SO MUCH EFFORT went into that part of the project, and promises were made internally on timelines. This turned out to be way more complex than any of us had anticipated, and the lack of the team’s ability to meet their own timelines caused a lot of strife within the team. So part of the team went heads down to finish that ASAP.

In the interim, another part of the team focused on building CB. We had always found that it was difficult to describe how to use and integrate EV through all of 2018 and 2019. We talked to possible investors, possible partners, possible clients, and over and over again, they said “Show me how it works”, and we would get stuck. EV isn’t a visual product; it’s the “rails”. Imagine if you took me to a railroad track and told me about all the things that could be done on it and I said “Okay, show me how it works”.

CB offered a necessary part of the appeal to businesses. They could never really use EV by itself; it was always going to be part of an overall process. While part of our team focused all of their time on the infrastructure for EV, the rest of the team built CB so that we could show people how easy it was to integrate EV with their existing systems.

The vision has always included multiple products, with EV being core to what we believe is the most breakthrough technology. Coval has always been seen as the underlying currency that “powers” the ability for companies to use EV. And CB is the easiest way for any company to integrate EV into their existing processes, without having to hire expensive developers with deep blockchain knowledge or spend months modifying their existing software to accommodate blockchain benefits.

In the next few months, we intend for all of these to coalesce into a complementary set of offerings to meet the needs of multiple types of partners and clients.

28. just how big will coval be? plans of bigger expansion? Coval spending cards/debit…new projects monthly? who is in charge of this and really hungry?

Lots of questions in here.

This business is being run by The Codes (Shannon and Dawn), and Eric. All 3 of us are all in on this and for us, this is our end game. We eat, breathe, and sleep Emblem. We are risking our own … everything, right? Stability, financial futures, etc on making this work.

The things we know are on the roadmap is about as far out as we can look.

As has been discussed a few times, we have a very short term goal wrapped up in Mission-R. We will use this initial project to prove out using Emblem services for supply chain management, with a focus on healthcare. We will aim at proving the benefits of blockchain to tracking medical items and fulfilling the regulatory needs of medical equipment.

Within the year, we have our sights set on releasing the CB CloudRunner and begin collecting revenue for both hosting circuits in the cloud and for beginning to incorporate EV transactions into the systems of a few key partners.

Pie in the sky, we have big, big plans. We see EV as an “exchange killer”, though the path there is dangerous and requires developing partnerships with big players, which we are *already* working on. We see Emblem as underlying immense healthcare data transactions, offering our medical providers the security and auditability of blockchain, springboarding off of that to be able to securely share specific health data amongst providers and improve individual healthcare outcomes.

Coval spending/debit cards? Sure, possibly, though we would do that with a partnership with a company that already has debit/spending cards. Did I mention I was on a panel with the CEO of CoinZoom last year? Who knows …

29. Can the team do a write up about coval and emblem? kind of a view of why someone may invest in each.

Easy questions are fun. Most definitely, yes, because we have. The company has been considering investment since last year, and we have prepared a full investor package. Did you know that there are very specific legal rules dictating exactly what you are allowed to say publicly, depending on exactly what type of fundraise you intend to pursue? I had no idea, but now I do. As soon as we are ready and able, we will make this type of content available on the web site. Some Coval-specific information is coming to that website very, very soon.

30. On the coval website it says….(The COVAL Platform is being developed with a primary purpose of moving value using “off-chain” methods) is this still true? it seems Coval is branching out to other areas.

It sounds like the original Coval material is outdated.

Quickly, “the Coval Platform” as it was described many years ago has become “Emblem Vault”, and yes, the “off-chain” method is **exactly** how EV works.

Coval is now both a cryptocurrency and a blockchain project “sandbox” where more projects may spin out of in the future.

31. What is after off-chain how will things evolve, bigger, better, ease of use, how will we stay ahead of the curve.

The “off-chain” feature enables the “exchange killer” vision described at the end of Q 28.

Actually, Q 28 pretty much covers our bigger picture vision and plans.

32. Coval custom currencies? what is the status of this.

(You must be super old school. We can’t find any reference to this still in existence.) Custom currencies are no longer on our radar, in favor of bigger and better product roadmap and vision. Crypto itself has evolved over the years, and now everybody can easily create ERC-20 tokens, for example, to tokenize and represent anything they want.

33. When i first bought Coval there were information on Bitcointalk that 200.000.000 coval were the devs and branded for marketing etc. But last year you started a fundraising to be able to get in to more exchanges. Whats the deal?

Check out Q5 and Q9 on AMA 1.

34. Nos haremos millonarios ?


35. Tokenomics, clear description and clarification of the utility.

See Q 2 in AMA 1. I know this is frustrating, but we just can’t describe the specific tokenomics until we have settled on the specifics. Shannon has always had a pretty clear picture and we are seeing other projects that use very similar tokenomics, but we do still have some details to settle on and prove out via our first real project or two.

36. Second exchange

Done. Lukki. See Q4 in AMA 1.

37. Tokenomics: burning, staking, validations, new tokens, etc.

See Q 35 above and Q 2 in AMA 1.

We are as eager to settle on these and share them as you are.

38. Is COVAL listed on a major exchange?

See Q2 in AMA 1.

39. When will MBTS be available?

We are still writing EV features such that major transactions (create, send, claim), will cost some small fee, payable in (I say Fuel, you say MBTS). As soon as EV is being used in a production environment, we will need to handle the utilization of Fuel/MBTS.

40. Are we staying an erc-20 token?

Until there is a need to do something different.

