Don’t look back, we’re not going that way!

Shannon (HΩDL) Code
2 min readMay 29, 2019


Exchange Update

Our team is currently exploring exchange options for the ERC20 Coval token and is currently in progress with 4 exchanges. As many of you know, not all exchanges are created equal. So based on many factors, we need to determine which exchanges are the best fit for Emblem and Coval. How do we define a good fit? Well, there are the basics, such as listing fee and jurisdiction/regulatory considerations. With hundreds of exchanges and most looking for a listing fee, we can’t list on all! We also look for overall volume and liquidity, reputation, security, and longer term opportunities to partner with the exchange.

All of that said, our priority is getting listed on at least 3 reputable exchanges in the very near term. We currently have one confirmed exchange already, one verbally confirmed, and 2 more in direct conversations. We are also just beginning conversations with half a dozen more.

Token Swap

The team is currently evaluating ERC20 contract frameworks, such as This will provide access to advanced features such as upgradeable contracts. Some of the concern with Ethereum is that it is a young blockchain and there have been high profile hacks due to Solidity issues. The whole Ethereum network is young and is still experiencing growing pains as it matures. Upgradeable contracts mean that we can fix bugs as they are discovered, without having to swap tokens, re-issue tokens, etc.

Once we settle on what the smart contract will look like, we will begin facilitating a simple swap.

Finally, May 31 is the delisting date, and there are no guarantees after that date. Please move your Coval holdings into a safe place off of Bittrex before that day. Please see this video for instructions

