NA (Non Alcoholic) Beer has it’s place.

Anton 720
3 min readAug 15, 2020

I’ve been a beer lover for many years and can appreciate everything from the cheapest lager to the most refined craft beer. A few years back, I started traveling to Europe more often, specifically the Czech Republic. CZ is well known for its beer and has a long history of brewing going back to the middle ages. It’s an important part of their culture that goes hand in hand with their sprawling town squares, outdoor cafes, and classic pubs. Some of my favorite days there are spent exploring the historical villages, hiking to the old ruins hidden among the parks and forests, and then finishing the day off with a cold beer on a patio. The perfect ending.

It was in CZ that I became more acquainted with NA or non-alcoholic beer. Yes, we have it in the USA, but it’s not so common or popular. Ask for one at a pub or restaurant in the U.S. and you’ll often see the bartender digging in the back of the cooler to find a dusty bottle, or a waitress wondering if it’s even on the menu. They’re just not so common here, while in CZ and much of Europe, you’ll see them listed on almost every menu board…and people order them quite regularly.

We often rent a car when traveling, and with the obvious challenges of navigating the narrow twisty roads of a foreign country, NA beer is a responsible alternative to some of the strong brews that they have on tap. I still remember the 1st NA beer that I ordered out there. I was really surprised and satisfied with the taste and quality. I also didn’t mind that the alcohol was missing. Just having a cold NA beer served up in a nice frosty mug puts you right into the relaxing ‘kick back and enjoy the view’ mindset. I loved the idea that you can have a few, safely drive and get on with the rest of your day.

I currently reside in Colorado USA, a great state for the outdoors, and beer. I noticed that if you seek good NA beer at our local liquor stores, you will find it. There are the big domestic names that we’re familiar with, many of which aren’t known for great taste, and there are some great European and micro brewed NA beers on the shelves. They are even brewing NA stouts and IPAs. I’ve recently discovered a few brands that I really enjoy. I love the fact that I can have a beer or two during a hot day and still be ready for outdoor activities, work or whatever I need to do.

So, I now keep NA beer stocked in my fridge. It happily coexists with my regular assortment of beer. This way, whether I’m home for the night or have a motorcycle ride planned, I have the right beer on hand…or in hand, I suppose. I’d urge any beer lover to give NA a try. It’s come a long way from some of the odd tasting cough medicine that it used to be. I guarantee that you’ll find something that you’ll enjoy. Cheers and na zdraví.

