I’m A 4 On The Enneagram and These 7 Instagram Posts Perfectly Describe “The Individualist”

Shannon Haupert
2 min readNov 16, 2019


This little test taught me more about myself and those around me than I ever expected.

Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

If you are at all familiar with The Enneagram, then you probably have taken the oh so popular personality test. This means you most likely know if you’re a 1 or a 9 or if you have a wing 3 and all that good stuff.

Enneagram friends, this personality test is quite life chaning. Some even write books, songs, and record podcast episodes on this very topic. If you find the number that does best suite you, you can find all the Instagram accounts loaded with memes that may just fuel your soul!

As a 4 on The Enneagram, I am a feeler, or as Enneagram Institute puts it, “The Individualist.”

Known to be the slightly more expressive and temperamental of the types, the 4s often feel hidden or unseen.

However, these Instagram posts will make a 4 feel KNOWN.

  1. Map of the 4 heart

From “deep sea diver of the psyche” to “the reach for meaning,” the depth of a 4 is clearly exploited in this cute little graphic.

2. The Basic Desire

As a 4, this small quote has me thinking, “MMM, that’s good church.”

3. Enneagram Meets Gilmore Girls

Lane is a classic 4 with her rebellious spirit and desire to grow as a musician.

4. Type 4’s Want To Be Seen As Different

Martinez captures the desire of a 4 so well in this post.

5. Squidward Sharing Some Truth

I’m not sure if this is true amongst all 4s, but verbal processing seems to be golden for the 4s in my life.

6. Love 4’s By…

Words of affirmation are something a 4 takes to heart!

7. What It’s Like To Be A 4

For those of you who aren’t a 4, this graphic shines a light on what most 4s feel on a daily basis!

Enneagram memes may just be a few of the best posts on the internet, aside from the accounts of dogs on Instagram. Take a peek at the Enneagram test, then explore the memes and see if they speak to your soul.

4s are pretty complex human beings! Be patient with them as they navigate their desire to be unique in the midst of this crazy world.

There you have it, fellow 4s, I’m with you and hope you feel seen by these relatable Instagram posts.

