2 Tips to Beat The Overwhelm of English Grammar and Vocabulary Lists from Killing Your Professional Dream.

Shanthi Cumaraswamy Streat
7 min readJun 5, 2019
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

You and I are so alike.

We have a dream. We think we know how to achieve it.

We are also impatient, so we look for ways to fast track its realisation.

We create a to-do list we believe will help us achieve our dream as quickly as possible. A to-do list that’s filled with words like ’top tips’, ‘how to (fill in the blanks) in 10 days’, ‘ intensive’, ‘immersion’, ‘mistake-free’, ‘fluent’.

But the results don’t materialise in the way and as fast as we want them to. In fact, we appear to be going backwards, not forwards.

To make matters worse, we can’t help comparing ourselves to others on social media, at conferences, during networking events, online summits. What do we see? Someone who’s doing things SO MUCH better, more efficiently, more professionally and more successfully than us.

A sinking feeling of not being good enough begins to seep into our bones and take hold of our self-esteem.

We begin to question ourselves. Am I too old for this? Is it all too late for me? Should I give up now? What’s the point?

But NO. We will NOT be defeated by such negative talk. We dust that layer of…



Shanthi Cumaraswamy Streat

Anxious about performing in English? 12 weeks with me and you won't remember what anxious means. Business Communication Coach for international professionals