AI won’t replace us, but a person using AI will!

Historically, No Tech Improvement Has Affected Human Jobs. It’s the people who were smart enough to understand the paradigm shift and develop new skills to be better productive.

Shanto Roy
5 min readApr 10, 2023
AI won’t replace us, but a person using AI will! Are You ready for the paradigm shift? AI Promting is now a skill and it’s better than Googling.

Recently, there has been a debate over AI, especially AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). AGI is capable of thinking of its own without the need for any human input.

For example, an AGI can create a statement and then criticize that statement itself and add further directions like a chain reaction or tree branches.

Another debate started on pausing the improvement over GPT-4 as the current version poses a threat to human jobs and many debates that AI can totally replace human jobs. In a petition, a significant number of renowned tech people, including Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and futurist Yuval Noah Harari, signed the petition to halt AI research for at least the next 6 months.

Well, the debate continues as some other people counter the petition argument, like halting AI research can raise national security as even if the US government halts AI research, other countries might not.

So, there are a lot of opinions on AI research and how AI can pose a threat to human jobs. I will try to give you some thought over it in this post.

Historically, No Tech Improvement Has Affected Human Jobs

I have seen one historical picture where math people were protesting against the launching of publicly available calculators as they feared, using calculators might have affected their jobs.

Well, it replaced some tedious jobs for those who used to calculate long calculations. However, calculators brought new job opportunities and made tech progress faster.

The same thing can be said when mainstream computers were first invented and introduced with operating systems. New automation jobs replaced many tedious jobs around the world. However, many new jobs were created after computers came into the picture.

The Internet made things further beneficial and easier. With improved communication, marketing, and sales, people leveraged the internet to transform their businesses tremendously.

I have the same saying about AI, too. AI will definitely replace many tedious jobs that can be automated and better functional. Well, AI will also provide new ideas for new jobs.

So, that said, the only issue is, the job market may drastically change, and you may have to rebuild yourself with new skills as traditional skills might be replaced with AI.

How Using AI Tools is Effective for Us

Here, I will discuss how AI is helping people achieve more in less time and with better accuracy, citing examples from various industries.

  1. Content creation: With the help of AI-powered tools like chatGPT/Bard and, people can create high-quality content in less time than ever before. These tools can write articles, social media posts, product descriptions, and even poetry. They can also provide suggestions for improving the readability and overall quality of the content.
  2. Customer service: AI-powered chatbots can help businesses provide 24/7 customer service without human intervention. These chatbots can handle basic queries, provide relevant information, and even process simple transactions. This can help businesses to save time and money while improving customer satisfaction.
  3. Data analysis: Data analysis is a time-consuming process requiring much manual effort. With AI-powered codes and tools, people can quickly analyze large amounts of data and gain valuable insights. These tools can also automate the process of data visualization, making it easier for people to share their findings with others.
  4. Development: Software/App/API development has been a lot easier than ever before. Personally, I have been using chatGPT for my codebase development, and it works quite well. As chatGPT is using GPT3.5 and has some limitations, many times, the code I received raised errors. Anyway, I got skeletons and made the development a lot easier with some basic debugging and fixing.
  5. Marketing: AI-powered marketing tools can help businesses to automate their marketing campaigns. These tools can analyze customer data, segment customers based on their behavior, and create personalized marketing messages. This helps businesses to target the right audience at the right time, resulting in better conversion rates.
  6. Image and video editing: AI-powered image and video editing tools can help people to edit photos and videos more quickly and easily. These tools can also automate the process of image and video enhancement, making it easier for people to create professional-looking content. Midjourney and Dall-E have changed the course of image generation. Adobe has recently launched a product that can take prompt to edit an image on the fly! I’m happy I am not good at Photoshop! Haha.
  7. Research: Honestly, I have been using chatGPT for my research from the very beginning it was launched. It works great! I guess GPT-4 has further capabilities. it’s not like chatGPT is doing my Ph.D. work. But, it is working as my assistant. If I need info, I can easily get it from it.

These are only a few examples. There are many more.

The main point is our productivity can be enhanced a lot by using AI tools. If you are using one, you will stay caught up for sure.

I can code thousands of lines now because I am using AI for my day-to-day life (maybe I could do a maximum of a couple of hundreds before using AI). I can make significant progress in finding valuable information for my research because I am using AI tools. Even the frequency of writing blog posts has increased too because I am using AI to generate ideas and write parts of my content.

Read my other posts on AI:

Concluding Remarks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how we work, live, and interact with technology. While some people may fear that AI will replace them in the workforce, the reality is that AI is here to assist and augment our abilities, not replace us. In fact, a person using AI can achieve significantly better results and increase their productivity.

Now, imagine a person using AI to increase his productivity can easily beat you if you are not using one. People good at promoting can find better information for their own research, where you will need to catch up looking for the perfect solution day after day.

Yeah, AI can actually replace a lot of jobs. But, it will surely create a lot more. And, when the job market has these new jobs, the person using AI will replace you and beat you in every aspect of the job description.

People used to say, “Googling is a skill”; well, maybe, for now, “Promting is a better skill”.

Good luck, and have fun using AI tools! Cheers!!!

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Shanto Roy

I write about Cyber Security, Python, DevOps/SRE, Research, AI, and travel. 💻 Tech blog👉 ✈️ Travel Blog👉