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“Explainable AI: Bridging the Gap between Black Box Models and Human Interpretability”

Shanzieh Ahmed
7 min readMay 31, 2023


In an era marked by remarkable AI advancements across industries, from disease diagnosis to autonomous vehicles, there arises a pressing need to understand the inner workings of these complex AI models. Thus, we embark on a journey towards achieving explainable AI, a quest that seeks to bridge the gap between opaque black box models and human interpretability.

What is Explainable AI

Explainable AI, also known as interpretable AI or transparent AI, refers to the development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems that can provide clear and meaningful explanations for their decisions and behaviors. This type of AI is designed to be more transparent and understandable to humans, allowing us to better trust and utilize these systems in various applications. It aims to bridge the gap between the complex inner workings of AI models and human comprehension.

Deep learning neural networks and other traditional AI models are often referred to as “black box” algorithms. Although precise predictions or results can be produced, it may be difficult to understand the underlying fundamental assumptions. Due to the lack of transparency, there are several drawbacks, including limited interpretability, potential biases, lack of accountability, and challenges in addressing ethical issues.

To directly address these issues, explainable AI comes into play. It introduces strategies, methods, and algorithms that simplify complex AI models and reveal their underlying workings. It’s like illuminating the once-obscure corners of the black box. Making AI models understandable to humans requires them to describe their actions using language that is comprehensible to us. We now have the ability to comprehend magic and employ reason in conjunction with technology.

Unveiling the Limitations

Introduction to Black Box Models

Imagine having a box filled with gears, wires, and circuits, all working together to make predictions or decisions. But here’s the catch: you can’t see inside the box, and there’s no instruction manual to explain how it works. This is exactly what black box models are like in the world of AI.

These models excel at making accurate predictions or decisions, but they do so without revealing the reasoning behind their choices. They keep their internal mechanisms hidden, leaving us wondering how they arrive at their conclusions. It’s as if they have their own secret language that we struggle to comprehend.

Limited Interpretability

The low interpretability of black box models is one of their main drawbacks. It can be difficult to comprehend and interpret the decision-making processes of these models. The inability to provide interpretations hinders the adoption and acceptance of AI systems in fields where explanations are crucial, such as healthcare or legal systems.

Imagine a scenario where a doctor relies solely on an AI system to diagnose a patient, without understanding the variables considered or the reasoning behind the recommended course of action. The opacity of black box models presents a significant challenge in establishing trust and unlocking the full potential of AI technologies.

Potential Biases and Error

Have you ever considered that some games may have unfair rules that give an advantage to certain players? That’s similar to what can occur with black box models in artificial intelligence systems. Although these models base their judgments’ on data, they may have unintentional biases that affect the results. Consider an AI-based recruiting system that may mistakenly exhibit bias towards certain racial or gender groups while selecting candidates based on job requirements.

These prejudices hinder opportunities for equality and result in unfairness. The problem is that black box models make it difficult to identify and correct biases because they do not provide a clear understanding of how they make decisions. Academics are currently developing a solution called “Explainable AI” that aims to enhance transparency and fairness in the decision-making process by providing clear and comprehensible explanations.

Lack of Accountability

When working with black box models, accountability can be a significant challenge. It can be challenging to locate and understand the reasoning behind specific outcomes. Lacking transparency into an AI system’s decision-making process makes it challenging to hold it accountable for errors or unexpected behaviour.

Particularly in high-stakes situations such as autonomous vehicles or medical diagnosis, the lack of accountability can result in significant legal and ethical consequences. Ensuring responsible use of AI in such situations relies on the capacity to justify and clarify conclusions.

Ethical Considerations

Fairness, transparency, and privacy issues are raised by black box models. Due to their opacity, it may be challenging to determine whether these models are exhibiting bias or violating privacy laws.

The continuation of discriminatory practices, violation of privacy rights, and erosion of public trust in AI technologies are some of the potential problems associated with the use of opaque AI systems without sufficient monitoring or understanding. In order to address ethical issues, AI systems must prioritize transparency and interpretability.

Need for Explainable AI

The emergence of Explainable AI offers a solution to these issues by acknowledging the limitations of black box models. Transparency and interpretability are important goals for AI systems, which can be achieved through the use of explainable AI techniques and strategies.

Explainable AI establishes accountability, encourages trust, and gives stakeholders the power to form well-informed opinions about results produced by AI by revealing the decision-making process and producing explanations that are intelligible by humans. The methodologies and approaches utilized in Explainable AI will be further examined in the following section, including how they tackle the limitations of black box models and contribute to the development of more dependable and transparent AI systems.

Embracing Human Interpretability

In the intricate realm of artificial intelligence (AI), the ability for humans to interpret and understand the workings of AI systems is crucial for promoting transparency, trust, and effective collaboration between humans and AI.

Human interpretability allows users to understand the reasoning behind AI-generated outcomes by exposing the internal mechanisms of AI algorithms and increasing their transparency. When it comes to complex applications such as medical diagnostics, this is especially crucial.

Physicians can gain a deeper understanding of the intricate mechanisms of AI models and their decision-making processes by incorporating explainable AI techniques. Instilling trust in the healthcare system and improving diagnostic accuracy are two benefits of combining human expertise with AI capabilities. Doctors can evaluate and confirm diagnoses by examining the explanations provided by the AI algorithm, which can give them a high level of confidence in the accuracy of the results.

With the ability to comprehend the basis of their diagnosis and participate in their healthcare, patients can now take an active role in their treatment. This transparency not only empowers healthcare providers but also provides patients with a sense of reassurance.

Across industries, there is a widespread agreement on the importance of human interpretability in AI systems, and reputable publications such as Forbes have recognized this trend. In the article titled “Explainable AI: The Importance of Adding Interpretability Into Machine Learning,” Dr. Adi Hod emphasizes the significance of viewing AI as a collaborative tool that aids human decision-making, rather than a decision-maker in itself. [1]

Users gain valuable insights into how AI models make decisions, empowering them to question and validate the outcomes through the use of explainable AI methodologies. The full potential of AI technology will eventually be unlocked through enhanced transparency, which fosters confidence and trust.

By embracing the concept of human interpretability, enterprises can fully utilize AI technology while promoting collaboration between humans and AI, improving accuracy, and building trust. The advancement of human understanding and interpretability will play a crucial role in establishing a future where humans and AI can coexist peacefully and produce remarkable results that benefit society as a whole.

As AI continues to revolutionize many industries and potentially the world, it is essential that humans can comprehend and interpret the decisions and actions of AI systems.

Improving lives with Explainable AI

One remarkable success story in the realm of explainable AI-driven dental care serves as a testament to the power of explainable AI and its ability to revolutionize healthcare. Co-founder and CEO of Overjet, Wardah Inam, is the driving force behind a ground-breaking approach to dental technology that is revolutionizing the market.[2]

Overjet harnesses the capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance dental care and improve patient outcomes. Overjet’s innovative platform analyses a wide range of dental data, including clinical notes, images, and radiographs, to provide valuable insights and treatment recommendations for planning.

Wardah Inam and her team have been honored with numerous prestigious awards, which is a testament to their outstanding efforts. Notably, Overjet’s groundbreaking achievements have earned them a coveted spot on the esteemed “Female Founders 100” list curated by Inc. Magazine.

This remarkable recognition not only showcases Wardah Inam’s exceptional achievements but also underscores the revolutionary impact of Overjet’s AI-driven dental technology. Overjet is at the forefront of transformative advancements in the field by effectively bridging the gap between AI and human expertise.

This harmonious partnership holds the key to advancing outcomes across diverse domains, ushering in a transformative era of progress and empowerment for individuals and society as a whole.


[1] Explainable AI: The Importance of Adding Interpretability Into Machine Learning

[2] Overjet CEO Wardah Inam Named to Inc.’s 2022 Female Founders 100 List



Shanzieh Ahmed

Dentist by the day. But at night she transform into a wordsmith, crafting stories and sharing thoughts with a magic pen.