A Visual Designer’s 100 Framer Challenge [004]

“Start Your Journey” Screen Transition

2 min readFeb 6, 2017


What I Learned from the Challenge[004]:

  1. Create States and using the array to organize them.
  2. Ripple Effect while tapping the screen

In Challenge[004], I combined the previous two challenges and create the transition between them. (You can find the previous challenges here. Challenge[002] / Challenge[003])


States Array to Organize the Transitions

I was inspired by the prototyping tutorial by Kenny Chen and learned the States Array technique as well as the Ripple Effect from his post.

# --- Add Layers to array, to group the layers belong each state ---journeyLayers = [
# --- Set Initial State ----for layer in journeyLayers
layer.states.switchInstant “initial”
Btn_LP.on “click”, ->
rippleEffect event, this
for layer in journeyLayers
layer.states.switch “journey”
window.clearInterval intervalEffect

The Cubic-bezier curve could be generated from here.

Adding the Milage Count to the parallax

While adding the transition of the two screens, I also updated the parallax page with a mileage calculator. It will reflect the amount of ScrollY and output it into the html attribute of the statusBar.

# As scroll starts, updating the lastYPosition and calculate the distance
scroll.on Events.Scroll, (event) ->
yDelta = LastPosition — scroll.scrollY
LastPosition = scroll.scrollY

Link of the Framer Prototype: framer.cloud/PGfmA

I think I have done enough of the Design of Paper Plane flying. Now, I am looking for new concept/idea. If you have anything in mind, please feel free to suggest.

Many many thanks.



A T-Shape Product Designer in NYC. From Engineering, Visual Design, to UX Design. 在紐約的跨領域產品設計師。從工程學,視覺傳達設計到使用者經驗設計。🤓 A Problem Solver with Multiple Toolsets.🛠