Apply These 5 Easy Techniques For Heel Spur Relief

shape crunch
2 min readMay 2, 2018


The calcaneus is the heel bone that forms the foundation of the rear part of the foot. A small calcium deposits on calcaneus growing outwards causes Heel Spur. It is also known as calcaneal spurs,foot spurs or osteophytes. The Shelf-shaped calcium growth will jab the soft, fatty tissue of the heel and causes stabbing sensation and intense heel pain with every step you take.

Techniques for Heel Spur Relief

The best solutions for Heel Spur Relief are:

Rest: Get plenty of rest and taking pressure off the feet can help in reducing the pain and the swelling in the affected area.

Ice Massage: Applying ice over the swelling part and affected area will reduce the pain.

Using custom-made orthotics: The customized Orthotic insoles is inserted inside the shoe which takes the pressure off the heel.

Wearing cushioned sports shoes: The cushioned shoes is same as the custom orthotics except, it is not customized as per the requirement of your feet.

Anti-inflammatory medication: The anti-inflammatory medicines will help to some extent.

Out of the mentioned solutions using custom-made orthotic insoles is the best and easy Heel Spur pain relief because of one main reason that every person is different; every foot is different- from left to right, person to person. Using Orthotic insole is the effective and efficient solution as it does not includes any surgery or medications. Every pair of these insoles for heel pain is tailored for an individual. The custom foot capture process looks at both the feet separately so that one can get the right fit for their unique feet.

