The Do’s And Don’ts After Skin Whitening Treatments

Kriti Malik
2 min readMay 10, 2024
skin whitening treatment in delhi

Here’s a breakdown of the key do’s and don’ts to follow after skin whitening treatments:


  • Sun Avoidance: This is crucial. Sun exposure can counteract the lightening effects and irritate your already sensitive skin. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily, even on cloudy days. Consider sun-protective clothing like hats and long sleeves when outdoors.
  • Gentle Skincare: Be gentle with your skin. Avoid harsh cleansers, scrubs, and irritating products like retinoids or AHAs for at least a week after treatment. Stick to a fragrance-free, gentle cleanser and a fragrance-free moisturizer.
  • Moisturize: Proper hydration is key. Skin whitening treatments can sometimes leave skin feeling dry. Use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and soothe any irritation.
  • Follow Instructions: If you received a professional treatment, follow your dermatologist’s aftercare instructions carefully. This might include specific products or avoiding certain activities.
  • Listen to Your Skin: Pay attention to how your skin reacts. If you experience any redness, itching, or burning, stop using the product and consult your dermatologist.


  • Skip Sun Protection: Sun exposure is your biggest enemy after these treatments. Don’t skip sunscreen or sun-protective measures.
  • Overload Your Skin: Avoid using harsh products, scrubs, or additional lightening treatments on top of your current regimen. Let your skin recover and focus on gentle products.
  • Heat Exposure: Avoid saunas, hot tubs, and excessive sweating for at least a week after treatment. This can irritate your skin.
  • Pick or Scratch: Avoid picking at your skin or scratching any irritation. This can lead to scarring or hyperpigmentation.
  • Expect Immediate Results: Be patient. Skin lightening treatments take time to show results. Be consistent with your routine and give it some time to work.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can help your skin heal properly and maximize the results of your skin whitening treatments. If you have any concerns or questions, always consult your dermatologist.

For more details visit — skin whitening treatment in delhi.



Kriti Malik

Kriti Malik contributes the article on skin, laser treatment, hair loss & much more Keep Reading!