30 Yards and In

Jeff Davis
1 min readJan 3, 2018


I was watching the golf channel this morning which is part of my pre-market routine. I had already checked the very things I check each morning about the ON (overnight) session in the ES. So the next step is to get my mind off the market and watch the golf channel. They had a very well known golf coach on Sean Foley. He stated that when playing with amateurs in the pro-ams they would all shave 10 strokes off their scores if they mainly practiced from 30 yards and in. He was saying by focusing on one small part of their game they could see the most improvement in the thing that counts, scoring.

As a trader what is the 30 yards in part of your strategy? Where could you spend more time to get better that would return the greatest dividend?

I know many don’t even have a strategy per say they are just going by the seat of their pants as the saying goes. Well to those of you I have two words “Good Luck” you’re going to need it. The rest of you with a strategy define the “30 yards in” part and get to work.

