First Month: July

Sharad Jain
1 min readJun 30, 2019


This is part of my series where I capture my journey for becoming a better software developer in six months.

Plan for July: Updates

  1. CS50 — Completed Lecture 5. The assignment includes creating a web page which I plan to combine with my blog.
  2. Create a personal blog website — I copied the template and hosted it but I don't feel the personal touch. Will remove the current repository and will create a fresh one with Jekyll(this looks easier to maintain).
  3. Algorithm and Data structures series by Bianca Gandolfo — Complete the course. I have an action item of posting a review of the course and practicing some of the algorithms and memoization concept. Adding more action items to the list.
  4. Complete “The Pragmatic Programmer — Will be posting a short summary of the first 4 chapters before resuming with next chapters.
  5. Algorithms — got acquainted with some new concepts like memoization and dynamic programming. Will start attempting questions on the following topic — arrays, sorting, searching and dynamic programming.

Thanks for reading.

