
Maya Sharafian
1 min readMay 16, 2018

When I first joined Ripple as an intern, I was introduced to Interledger through an internal presentation by Evan Schwartz.

The idea of a truly neutral internet of value fascinated me. So much so that when I returned to Ripple the next year, I left school to work on it full-time.

Over time, our debates about number formats and address delimiters have given way to higher-level discussions. If you’ve read any of my tutorials on the Interledger blog, you can see it working in practice.

So today, the question around Interledger is:

“What should we do first?”

Interledger has the most to offer in “Many-to-many” systems. The Web is a many-to-many system, and it’s struggling. Every day, we’re affected by how difficult it is to monetize content on the web.

To solve this problem the right way, we’ve started a new company called Coil. Coil is funded by Ripple and will be focused around applying Interledger in the real world. For a full explanation, you can read Stefan Thomas’s blog post.

I’ll be joining Stefan as a co-founder and CTO. I can’t express how excited I am to be a part of this effort.

Let’s get to work!

