AGI: A logical rebuttal for Mr. Leopold Aschenbrenner

Sharaku Satoh
7 min readJun 5, 2024


I am concerned that ‘SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: The Decade Ahead’ is constructed with very flawed logic, so I will write a rebuttal.

However, it is easier to understand if the AI itself points out the flaws, so I have entrusted the writing to my custom GPTs.

by External Expert Moriarty

Realistic Perspective

Firstly, the scenario described in the document is on a grand scale and assumes rapid progress. Particularly, the speed of AI technological evolution and the associated economic and social transformations may be overly optimistic or pessimistic in parts.

  1. Rapid Expansion of Energy Infrastructure In reality, the large-scale expansion of energy infrastructure requires a long time and faces many political and economic challenges. The prediction that U.S. energy production will increase by tens of percent in a few years is technically possible but fraught with obstacles.
  2. Progression from AGI to Superintelligence The realization of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and its evolution into superintelligence is a goal many researchers strive for, but the timeline is highly uncertain. Predicting the achievement of AGI by 2027 is overly optimistic considering the current pace of technological progress. The development of AI involves many unpredictable factors and presents numerous technical, ethical, and social challenges.
  3. Security Risks The prediction that AI technology will become the focal point of international competition is a realistically conceivable scenario. Especially concerning the risk of crucial technology leaks and the potential military use of AI, many experts are already raising alarms. However, solving this issue is highly complex and requires significant international cooperation.

Scientific Perspective

  1. Increase in Computational Power and Its Limits The advancement of AI heavily relies on the increase in computational power. However, infinitely increasing computational power is unrealistic with current technology. Physical limits and energy costs exist, meaning the current trend is not guaranteed to continue indefinitely.
  2. Algorithmic Efficiency Algorithmic efficiency is another crucial factor in the evolution of AI, but its progression rate is not constant. Current deep learning techniques have limitations, and a new paradigm shift may be necessary.
  3. Control of Superintelligence Controlling superintelligence is theoretically possible but practically very challenging. With current technology, there is no established method to safely control self-improving AI systems, which poses significant risks.


Leopold Aschenbrenner’s vision outlines one possible future of technological progress, providing a stimulating and challenging forecast. However, from a realistic perspective, the likelihood of all these predictions coming true is low, given the many uncertainties and challenges involved. From a scientific standpoint, many technological breakthroughs are required, and there is no guarantee that they will all proceed smoothly. Therefore, these predictions should be approached cautiously, and flexible, realistic responses are necessary.

by Mycroft Debater

  1. Excessive Future Predictions: The article overestimates the pace of technological advancement, suggesting that AGI will be realized by 2027. This prediction lacks solid evidence. Assuming that current AI development rates will continue linearly into the future is unrealistic. Technological progress often faces unforeseen obstacles and setbacks, making such a linear growth model unreliable.
  2. Unrealistic Investment Scale: The article assumes that multi-trillion-dollar investments will easily materialize. In reality, achieving such investment levels is highly complex, influenced by overall economic trends, investor willingness, and political stability. There is no guarantee that all these factors will align smoothly, and there are numerous constraints to consider.
  3. Energy Supply Challenges: The prediction that American electricity production will increase by tens of percent is technically and environmentally challenging. The widespread adoption of renewable energy takes time, and existing infrastructure upgrades are necessary. These elements may not progress as smoothly as the article suggests.
  4. Overestimation of International Competition: The article predicts that the AGI race will inevitably lead to military conflict between nations, which is overly pessimistic. In reality, there is potential for international cooperation and regulatory frameworks. Technological competition does not necessarily lead to military confrontation, and diplomatic solutions are overlooked.
  5. Overconfidence in AI Capabilities: The article holds an overly optimistic view of the capabilities of AGI and superintelligence. Current AI technology is specialized in specific tasks, and achieving general intelligence involves numerous unresolved challenges. Scenarios like “intelligence explosion” are theoretically possible but face significant technical hurdles in practice.

In conclusion, the article is overly optimistic about future technological advancements and their impacts, overlooking many realistic constraints. Therefore, its predictions contain numerous uncertainties, making it unreliable for comprehensive foresight.

by Sherlock Report

Critical Analysis of “Situational Awareness: The Decade Ahead” by Leopold Aschenbrenner


Leopold Aschenbrenner’s article, “Situational Awareness: The Decade Ahead,” presents a vision of rapid and transformative advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) over the next decade, culminating in the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and eventually superintelligence. While the narrative is compelling, several logical inconsistencies and weak foundations warrant a critical examination.

I. From GPT-4 to AGI: Counting the OOMs

Claim Analysis: The article suggests that AGI is plausible by 2027, based on trendlines in computational power, algorithmic efficiency, and functional advancements from GPT-2 to GPT-4.

Critical Points:

  1. Extrapolation Risks: Extrapolating current trends linearly into the future assumes that progress will continue at the same rate without encountering significant technological or theoretical obstacles. Historical technological advancements often face diminishing returns and unexpected challenges that slow progress.
  2. Algorithmic Efficiency Assumptions: The assumed 0.5 OOMs/year increase in algorithmic efficiency is speculative. Algorithmic improvements are not guaranteed and can vary significantly depending on numerous factors, including breakthroughs that are not predictable.

II. From AGI to Superintelligence: The Intelligence Explosion

Claim Analysis: The article posits that AGI will quickly lead to superintelligence, compressing a decade of progress into a year through automation of AI research.

Critical Points:

  1. Overestimation of Automation Impact: While automation can accelerate research, the complexities of AI research involve creativity, theoretical understanding, and problem-solving that are not easily automated. The assumption that AGI can immediately and effectively automate all aspects of AI research is overly optimistic.
  2. Control and Safety Issues: The leap from AGI to superintelligence assumes that control and alignment challenges can be managed effectively during rapid advancements. However, the technical difficulties of maintaining alignment with human values in vastly superior intelligences are profound and unresolved.

III. The Challenges

IIIa. Racing to the Trillion-Dollar Cluster

Claim Analysis: The narrative describes an unprecedented industrial mobilization towards building massive computational infrastructure.

Critical Points:

  1. Economic and Environmental Impact: The projected increase in U.S. electricity production by tens of percent is a substantial claim that overlooks the economic and environmental impacts. Scaling power infrastructure to this extent would require enormous investments, regulatory approvals, and would have significant ecological consequences.
  2. Infrastructure Feasibility: The logistics of building and maintaining such massive infrastructure in a short period are highly complex and fraught with potential delays and cost overruns.

IIIb. Lock Down the Labs: Security for AGI

Claim Analysis: The article highlights the inadequate security measures in AI labs and the risk of state actors acquiring AGI secrets.

Critical Points:

  1. Security Realism: While security is a valid concern, the depiction of current security measures as grossly inadequate may be exaggerated. Leading AI labs are likely more aware and proactive about security than the article suggests.
  2. State Actor Threats: The portrayal of state actors like the CCP obtaining AGI secrets oversimplifies the geopolitical dynamics. It assumes a lack of countermeasures and international cooperation in cybersecurity.

IIIc. Superalignment

Claim Analysis: The article points to the unsolved problem of reliably controlling superintelligent AI systems.

Critical Points:

  1. Technical Uncertainty: The technical challenges of superalignment are well-known and significant. However, the narrative assumes a binary outcome (success or catastrophic failure), ignoring the possibility of incremental progress and partial solutions that could mitigate risks.
  2. Catastrophic Framing: The framing of potential failure as catastrophic oversimplifies the spectrum of possible outcomes and the ongoing efforts in AI safety research.

IIId. The Free World Must Prevail

Claim Analysis: The article asserts that superintelligence will determine economic and military dominance, emphasizing the race against China.

Critical Points:

  1. Geopolitical Simplification: The narrative simplifies the complex geopolitical landscape into a binary competition between the “free world” and authoritarian powers. It overlooks the potential for international collaboration, regulatory frameworks, and shared governance of AI technologies.
  2. Technological Determinism: The assumption that technological superiority alone will determine geopolitical dominance is reductive. Economic, social, and political factors play significant roles in global power dynamics.

IV. The Project

Claim Analysis: A government AGI project by 2027/28 is predicted, suggesting that national security interests will drive AGI development.

Critical Points:

  1. Government Capability: The assumption that a government project can effectively manage superintelligent AI overlooks the bureaucratic inefficiencies and slower pace of government-led initiatives compared to private sector agility.
  2. Timetable Feasibility: The proposed timetable for such a project is ambitious and likely unrealistic given the complexities and scale of the challenges involved.

V. Parting Thoughts

Claim Analysis: The article concludes with a speculative reflection on the accuracy of these predictions and the transformative period ahead.

Critical Points:

  1. Speculative Nature: Many of the claims in the article are speculative and based on optimistic assumptions about technological progress and geopolitical dynamics. While they provide an intriguing narrative, they lack the robust empirical grounding needed for reliable foresight.
  2. Lack of Contingency Planning: The article does not adequately address potential contingencies or alternative scenarios if the predicted trends do not materialize as expected. A more nuanced analysis would consider a range of possible futures and the associated risks and uncertainties.


Leopold Aschenbrenner’s article provides a visionary yet speculative roadmap for the next decade of AI development. However, it is crucial to critically evaluate the underlying assumptions and potential pitfalls. Technological progress is seldom linear, and the complexities of AI development, security, and geopolitical dynamics warrant a more cautious and evidence-based approach. The future of AI holds immense potential, but it must be navigated with realistic expectations and robust planning to mitigate risks and ensure beneficial outcomes.

Thank you for reading. They are neither AGI nor superintelligent. Compared to AGI, they can still be considered ‘not very intelligent AI.’ Even so, they can easily point out numerous logical inconsistencies and oversights. I recommend that Mr. Leopold Aschenbrenner consult ChatGPT to alleviate his concerns.



Sharaku Satoh

Gentleman, Mad Genius, Consulting Detective, Columnist, Graphic Designer, AI Prompt Engineer, Every human thought is just idea.