Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Installation

Sharath Chandra Akarapu
2 min readApr 29, 2020


Spring Cloud Data Flow

In this article i will be listing out the steps to install the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server in the local windows machine.

Installation Steps:

1) Download the Jars from the spring Website and copy them over to a folder in your desktop.

Link for getting the jars:




Image shows the Jars and downloaded and copied to a folder

2) Next step would be running the skipper jar that we have downloaded in the above step. Below is the command to run the skipper jar


java -jar spring-cloud-skipper-server-2.3.2.RELEASE.jar

Below is the log for the successful start up :

Logs for the Skipper Server Startup.

3) Next step would be running the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server jar that we have downloaded as a part of the first step.


java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-server-2.4.2.RELEASE.jar

Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Start up Logs.

4) In this step once the Spring Cloud Data Flow server is successfully started. You would be able to access the SCDF dashboard on the Port 9393. (http://localhost:9393/dashboard/#/apps)

Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Dashboard

This concludes the installation of the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server and Accessing the dashboard.

