These Rockstars Never Applied For The Job…

Stop looking for the “one-size-fits-all” developer.

A. Sharif
2 min readFeb 15, 2016

Everyone seems to be looking for a front end developer nowadays. Enterprises, start-ups, web agencies, product companies, seemingly everyone is in search of client side developers.

What defines an experienced front end developer in 2016 anyway?

Does she/he have deep knowledge in JavaScript?

Is it understanding jQuery and Wordpress?

Or is it an understanding of CSS/HTML, media queries etc.?

Or is it UI/UX?

3 years of React expertise?

4 years of AngularJS experience?

Universal JavaScript and Node.js knowledge?

Understanding design patterns and software architecture?

Understanding of mobile platforms?

Photoshop and design skills?

There is a wide range of aspects we can identify here, all being thrown together to encompass the front end developer that everyone is looking for. The so called Rockstar, that has an understanding of UI/UX, user research, colors and shapes. The one-stop-shop that will build your client side architecture, enabling your app to scale to infinit heights, the ninja (yes, a number of companies are still looking for ninjas. still.) that will rewrite your backend with Node.js/express while designing a mockup for the login page.

It’s 2016…

I think the term front end developer per se has become meaningless. While just a couple of years ago, there was a clear distinction between the front- and back-end, nowadays a lot of work has shifted from the latter to the former. Are you looking for someone technical, someone creative or a mixture of both?

The front end developer that a lot of these product companies, web agencies and start-ups are searching for sounds a lot like a “one-size-fits-all” developer.

Stop looking for the buzzword-driven-developer with 6 years experience in universal JavaScript.

Correction: Ok, these JavaScript Ninjas do exist (but they will probably not join your company anyway)…

Quick tips:

Go back and read the complete chapter on hiring in Rework.

Skip the rockstars and create a rockstar environment.

“Rockstar environments develop out of trust, autonomy, and responsibility. They’re a result of giving people the privacy, workspace, and tools they deserve.”

Rework (37 Signals)

Stop focusing on frameworks and current tools, hire for cultural fit and technical expertise and/or willingness to learn. Hire the right people for the right job, not one developer for ten jobs.

These so called rockstars didn’t apply the last time and they will not apply this time.

Have I missed something? Feedback welcome — via Twitter or here.



A. Sharif

Focusing on quality. Software Development. Product Management.