How to Self-Learn Coding?

Shariq Ahmed
4 min readJul 26, 2024


Tips by self-taught full-stack developer

How to Self-Taught Coding?

Virtual meetings. Smartphones. Elsa Speaks. I’m sure our ancestors would have gasped if someone told them that using these technologies would be an everyday thing in the future. They would have thought this was just a snowball’s chance in hell. Maybe they would have fainted if I told them that in the years to come, they wouldn’t lose their jobs because of their indolence, but rather because of AI.

But hey, I’m sure that you know how to prevent all this from happening. Well, by learning to code. But let’s face it: not everyone has the money to get a computer science degree under their belt. Some people have no money in their pockets. So, they take a different path — they self-learn coding.

According to HackerRank’s survey, 27.4% of the programmers are self-taught, and well I’m also a self-taught programmer. I have taught myself many programming languages and frameworks. Currently, I’m learning Flutter. However, I think I will take a long time to learn Flutter. My yearly goal is to learn it completely.

Some tips that helped me learn programming include:

Tip #1: Set a Goal

Before doing or learning anything, make sure you set a goal.

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible

— Tony Robbins

So, make sure you set a goal. Because when you want to learn something, then even if you have run out of motivation, you’ll learn to code. But set small goals. Don’t set lofty goals in the start like you’ll learn both Flutter and React in 3 months. That’s impossible. Sure, you should make ambitious goals, but don’t set unrealistic goals. Make goals that are achievable with some hard work.

Tip # 2: Start with Basics

Don’t try to learn C, when Python can do the job. Because the basics are almost the same in every language.

Remember, just like the first brick of the building is important. The basics of programming language are important. You must ensure that your basics are strong and at the back of your hand.

Personally, I found these two websites helpful.

  1. w3schools
  2. geeksforgeeks
  3. freecodecamp

Tip # 3: Learn Important but Easy Language

Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

I hinted at this before. Don’t learn C#. Heck, don’t even think of learning JavaScript. Learn Python first. It’s not only versatile but also one of the easiest programming languages. Experienced developers consider Python easiest after Ruby. Google, Spotify, Instagram, and Stripe all use Python.

Tip # 4: Get a Mentor

YouTube isn’t the only platform on which you should rely. You should ask for help from other experienced developers. The best thing is that you can find a mentor from many websites. Coding Coach is one of the websites that I came across a few days back. They have trained and experienced coders who are always willing to help you.

But if you don’t have money, make the internet your mentor. Ask ChatGPT. Learn from YouTube. Post your questions on Stack Overflow. You can also ask your questions on Quora.

Tip # 5: Start Doing LeetCode Questions

After 8 months of coding, start doing LeetCode questions. Now, you will find many people saying that you should first go straight to the solution. But hey, that’s not what you should do. In fact, I’d recommend that you select one problem and try to give your best shot. If it’s been an hour and you have no idea how to move forward, go to the solution.

Understand it completely, then revisit the question. Try to find some pattern in the answer. Now, go to LeetCode to find questions with that pattern, and boom.

That’s how you should solve questions. This technique may be time-consuming, but it’s rewarding.

Tip # 6: Build Something

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

There’s power in building projects. In the first month, try to build something easy like a tic-tac-toe game. In the second month, make a scientific calculator. In the third month, try to build a calculator. In short, every month build something that can challenge your coding knowledge. You can also ask ChatGPT to give you project ideas.

But, don’t fret about making that perfect project. Even if your project is like that pebble stack building pictured above, it's totally fine.

Pat on your back after every project. If you find yourself stuck somewhere, get help. But don’t stop. I repeat: Don’t ever stop. You’re gonna regret it later! In the next 30 years, coding will make and break your career.



Shariq Ahmed

A Full Stack Developer of React | React Native | Next.JS | Node JS | Nest.JS | GraphQL | Firebase | Typescript