7 Things You Must Know Before Buying A Gaming Mouse

Shariqa Mukhtar
5 min readNov 3, 2023


Artificial intelligence and technology is increasing its rule over the world and the demand for better tools is also increasing. A very important tool for this growing new generation is a gaming mouse. The new and best features of gaming mouse are continuously being introduced day by day which has made it more challenging for a gamer to select a mouse. Anyhow, the technology is improving continuously and the rates are also.

But no worries because here we are going to discuss all those major factors that could make it a little bit easy for a gamer to go for a right mouse.

1- DPI

2- Polling rate

3- Grip style

4- Weight and size

5- Buttons

6- Wireless and wired

7- Price

1-DPI (dots per inch):

The very first and the most important factor in choosing a top gaming mouse is DPI (dots per inch). It decides the sensitivity of the mouse. A gamer always prefers a highly sensitive mouse to win in the toughest situations. The more sensitive a mouse is, the more quick are the movements.

2-Polling Rate:

The polling rate of a mouse is also an important factor in buying the best gaming mouse in 2023 . Mouse having high polling rates are more efficient and quick. If the polling rate of the mouse is high it means it has a good connection with the processor. A high polling rate is required by gamers in such games where even a millisecond delay matters in deciding whether they lose or win.

3-Grip Style:

Grip of a mouse also attracts the gamers. The more easily one can hold the mouse the more comfortable he feels. Majorly, following are the three types of grips:

i-Palm grip

ii- Claw grip

iii-Fingertip grip

The palm grip mouse usually involves the palm of your hand while your fingers are placed on its sides. There is one good thing that you can place your arm on the table and it does not make your hand stiff.

Palm grip mouse

The claw grip mouse is one in which you use your fingers but still, some part of your hand is placed on the back of the mouse. This creates a little stiffness in your hand.

Claw grip mouse

The fingertip grip mouse involves just your fingers and rest of your hand is raised high. To make quick movements is easy with this grip but holding it for too long can reduce blood circulation causing stiffness.

Fingertip Mouse grip

Briefly, the palm grip is much more preferred than the other two due to its ease.

4-Weight & Size:

The weight of a mouse is not a negligible factor. The more low weighted the mouse the more comfortable a gamer feels while playing the game. Furthermore, it is also much quicker.

Another thing to keep in mind is the size of a mouse. Well, it depends on someone’s personal preferences or according to the size of their hand.


Buttons on the sides and top of a mouse play an important part in games. Usually, the mouse that we use has only two buttons and a scroll ball in the center. But the number of buttons varies from 2 to 12. Some mice have side buttons to control the actions in games. But, it depends on the need that whether a gamer is required to use these buttons or not.

Normally, gamers use these side buttons to enhance flexible playing but it should not be neglected that only a diligent and good player can have command over such mice.

6-Wireless and Wired:

The decision to buy a wired or wireless mouse is not so easy. The speed, latency, flexibility and convenience are the major keep in mind factors.

A wired mouse is much quicker, less weighted and does not require changing batteries repeatedly. But, its major drawback is the distraction created by its wire while making quick movements.

On the other hand, a wireless mouse is less responsive and due to batteries it has more weight (if you are weight conscious) and there is always a problem of changing its batteries after a few days. But its flexibility is that there is no need to worry for cords and there is no disturbance.

So overall, the wired mice are preferred and are given more superiority over the wireless mice for their quick response.


Now the war ends on the prices of the mice. As the quality, functionality and awesome features are being added, their prices are also continuously increasing.

The price of a mouse depends on its features such as responsiveness, style and grip, and they also varies from brand to brand. Their prices range from 50$ to 100$. So to buy a best cheap gaming mouse take note of your budget.


So, we discussed all the major factors that affect a mouse’s functionality.

These all discussed things let us conclude that if you want to be a high-ranked player you should go for a mouse that fits your hand, is responsive, quick and easy to use.

Last but not least thing is that you should always go for that mouse which is cheap as well as has almost all the required features.

