Trump’s People

2 min readDec 13, 2016


“I have the best people”

Ben Carson — Housing & Urban Development. He is stupid, violent, and like a child molester:

Carly Fiorina — being considered for Director of National Intelligence, is ugly and terrible:

Rick Perry — Secretary of Energy. He is dumb and weak. (Also famously wanted to elimnate said department)

Gary Cohn, head of National Economic Council — is PRESIDENT OF GOLDMAN SACHS.

And please don’t forget Steve Bannon, white supremacist, Jeff Sessions, too racist to qualify for the Reagan administration, and now, Rex Tillerson, the first CEO secretary of state, and a person given “the order of friendship” by Vladimir Putin for “signing deals with the state-owned Russian oil company Rosneft, whose chief, Igor Sechin, is seen as Putin’s loyal lieutenant.” Tillerson will be our top foreign diplomat and is tied up entirely in oil interests. It was a nice planet while we had it.

