Menascop joins sharkrace as a game tokenomics advisor

A strong game tokenomics advisor Menaskop joins SharkRace

Jane Shark
3 min readOct 28, 2022


SharkRace has signed an advisory agreement with a web3 economy architect Menaskop.

He creates architectures for systems, even the most complex ones. And that’s exactly the case because SharkRace is creating NOT a pyramid-based benchmark for the P2E economy.

Many P2E systems have come to their logical end because of the pyramid model in the foundation of their economy, meaning the new players pay to return investments to the first-come players. We feel, developing an independent in-game tokenomics is a very important condition for long-term leadership in today’s market.

Menaskop: “I think programmable asset markets will evolve over the next 3–5 years and dynamic NFT will play a role in this, for which reason I am close to the ideas of SharkRace: both in terms of tokenomics and general development».

We’re happy to have Menaskop on our advisory board and collaborate on this challenging task. In case this name is new to you, just imagine, this guy has both technical and legal IT competencies, an impressive portfolio, membership in 43 DAOs and ownership in one called Synergis. On top of that, he is an author of articles and a few books on tokenomics, web 3 and tempography, one of which has been downloaded 300,000+ times!


An entrepreneur since 2005, an IT lawyer since 2008 and since 2012 — BTC-miner (to 2018); and since 2016 — the creator of Synergis.


  • Creating architectures for systems, even the most complex ones.
  • Audit: technical (through the team), economic, legal.
  • Analysing IT markets, industries, trends.
  • Personal investments in start-ups, exclusively in p2p ways. Portfolio roughly as follows: BTC (since 2012), ETH (2014), LTC (2014), ETC (2016), Golos (2016), Storj (2017), Real Estate (2017), ADA (2018), Gold (2018), BTT (2019), Atom/DOT (2019/20), VIZ (2020).


  • iTerra — Social activity aggregator (RF, Estonia, Hong Kong). Role: writing WP, finalising architecture, economic and legal models.
  • InnMind — a start-up accelerator from Switzerland. Role: joint educational webinars, participation in conferences, help to develop a reputation system (project evaluation).
  • iBer — рDevelopers and code auditors from the CIS. Role: Synpat/Synbot/SynVote architecture development; initial project consultancy.
  • Synergis — the largest Russian-speaking association of crypto-enthusiasts: 40+ countries. Role: co-founder, active participant, expert.
  • SharpShark — Copyright and related rights protection through blockchain and IPFS. Role: Legal preparation (documentation, etc.), market analysis, help with system architecture.
  • bSystem — business process modelling system. Role: drafting of partnership agreements, assistance with TOR registration.
  • a-XBT — mining hosting and service, including OpenMining.
  • Senso — VR glove for rehabilitation (USA, RF). Role: information coverage, introducing the product (the glove) to the crypto-communities.
  • Envelop — programmable NFTs protocol.
  • There are more than a hundred partners in total (since 2016)

Case studies (recent years):

  • Synpat — A multi-blockchain system for depositing copyrighted content, including through IPFS, Torrent trackers, blockchains themselves, etc.
  • Tempography — a system of data protection through the creation of temporary caboose and more.
  • Analysis of practice on judicial decisions for a blockchain company, as well as an analysis of copyright law in all possible jurisdictions.
  • As abstract as possible schematic examples.



