5 Crucial Steps for Writing Mini Non-Fiction Books Every Beginner Should Know

Advice from someone writing a book a month

Sharlrita Deloatch


Photo created by the author in Canva

I am currently on this journey to writing a book a month, and when I say it out loud, I can’t believe it myself. One thing I hold onto is possibility. Why? Because I’ve seen examples of other people doing it, and I believe so much in myself that I can do it too.

The journey to writing a book a month is not about writing a full 200-page book or even publishing low-content books such as journals or planners, but it’s about writing small mini-books that are about 50–100 pages long, written to solve one problem and bring new leads to your business.

I will be honest; it’s not easy! However, it is possible, and here are the 5 crucial steps I believe you should know before you dive into writing a book a month:

  1. Find your Focus: It’s so easy to get distracted, and you have to keep your focus no matter what. To help, ask yourself: What specific problem can I solve? What skill can I teach? Or what niche knowledge can I share in a concise way?
  2. Plan your books: There is no way you can follow through with the plan if you don’t plan. I use Trello to sort out my top 3 topics, and gather content I already have such as blog posts and videos



Sharlrita Deloatch

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