NestJs: Firebase Auth secured NestJs app

Vikash Kumar
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2020

NestJs is an excellent framework on NodeJs written in TypeScript and/or JavaScript. Its efficiency and scalability enable you to create a range of varied application backends. This makes it very important to have a rigid security mechanism in your apps.
This post will help you secure your NestJs APIs through Firebase Auth.

Step#1: Create a Firebase project and add a web app.

Follow the steps here.

Step#2: Create a NestJs project.

I prefer to use Nest CLI for the same. If you do not have Nest CLI, download the package through NPM using the command:

$ npm install -g @nestjs/cli

To create a NestJs app (I am naming my project ‘firebase-auth’; give any name of your choice), open a console in your preferred folder, and run the command:

$ nest new firebase-auth
Create new NestJs project

Step#3: Install firebase dependencies

Console inside your new project and add the ‘firebase-admin’ package to the project.

$ npm install — save firebase-admin

Step#4: Create a firebase service account

Create a service account in the firebase console and download the service account JSON file. Follow the steps here.

Step#5: Download the service account JSON in the project

Open the project in your favorite IDE. Create a folder, say ‘auth’ inside src. Copy the service account JSON file in this folder.

Add library firebase-admin

Step#6: Allow resolveJsonModule

Set “resolveJsonModule”: true in your tsconfig.json file. This is to allow importing JSON files in Typescript.

Allow JSON module resolution in TS

Step#7: Create auth middleware

Create a NestJs middleware inside the auth folder, say ‘preauth.middlewate.ts’. Create a constant JSON object using the service account JSON. Import the firebase-admin SDK and initialize using the constant JSON.

Initialize Firebase Admin SDK

Step#8: Verify the firebase bearer token

Alter the ‘use’ method inside the middleware to read Bearer token from the request and use firebase-admin to verify the token. Finally, set an object containing the user’s email to the request object.
Note: @ Line#33, I am not securing requests without authorization header.

Validate token through Firebase Admin SDK

Step#9: Register the middleware

Register the middleware in the root module for all requests.

Register Middleware

Step#10: Create a controller to verify.

Test Controller

Step#11: Run & Verify failure scenario

$ npm run dev
No Authorization
Invalid Authorization

Step#12: Create a firebase user and verify success scenario

For a success flow, create any client to accept firebase login and obtain a valid firebase idToken. Use this token as a Bearer token in the Authorization header.

Add user in Firebase Console
Valid Authorization


Firebase auth in NestJs using PassportJs -> here.



Vikash Kumar
Nerd For Tech

A passionate coder, technology enthusiast, tutor and continually falling in love with JavaScript. Currently exploring latest JS frameworks and Flutter.