Leadership Coaching

3 min readDec 1, 2020


Coach kshitij

What is Leadership Coaching? Leadership Coaching is about having an open conversation with your Executive Coach who acts as a sounding board and helps you move to the next level in your leadership skills “What got you here won’t get you there” — Marshall Goldsmith

(International bestselling Author and Executive Coach) There are certain skills that have brought us to the place in our life where we are today. However, the same skills won’t take us to the next level. For that, we need to acquire and learn a higher level of leadership skills, and that where focused leadership coaching can help us. It helps you deal with the real challenges and day to day issues that arise at the workplace. Leadership Coaching helps the leaders gain perspective and focus. A coach helps leaders reflect on their inbuilt potential and challenges them to explore new possibilities. Leadership Coaching helps leaders implement change in their persona and organization by supporting them and keeping them focused on attaining their personal and professional goals.

Who needs Leadership Coaching?

Leadership Coaching acts as a supportive supplement for leaders who are already successful in their respective fields but desire that “next level” or higher competency of success for whatever they want to achieve. Leadership Coaching helps leaders who have an intense desire to experience that next level of success and are open to exploring alternative observations and perspectives for even greater levels of performance and satisfaction.

Why is Leadership Coaching important? At a particular level leaders must continually update and increase their technical skills and enhance their leadership skills. Leadership Coaching provides the missing piece to the leadership development puzzle. It provides a confidential environment where the leader can talk openly about their challenges, dreams, goals, and obstacles. The confidential environment enables the coach and leader to explore problems, brainstorm solutions, and create action plans. It empowers leaders to unleash their full potential and become inspirational leaders.

What can be accomplished through Leadership Coaching? According to ICF coaching standards, a leader is an expert in his or her life and work. We believe every leader is creative, resourceful, and whole in them. With this foundational understanding, the work in coaching sessions supports leaders to solve problems, make the most of their opportunities, and open up possibilities to produce new action. Through the coaching process, leaders gain new levels of awareness or “ways of seeing” themselves and their situation.

Conclusion: The iceberg below the surface is not made in a day, it takes years to get cultivated and shaped through natural and social occurrences, assumptions, and inherent beliefs. Leaders got to find their icebergs and self-reflect on what their beliefs mean to their leadership styles and the way they develop their leadership strategies. For every leader in an organization, it is highly important to identify and cultivate a personal leadership style to lead our organization/team to greater heights.

A Leadership coach partners with you and acts as a catalyst in your leadership journey as you are pursuing your ambitions and is committed to your accountability and believes you can do it.

If you want to take coaching from him or want to refer someone you know, you may contact him for Executive Coaching in Bangalore.

