Education and modern technologies, their positive and negative impact

Naman Sharma
4 min readJan 27, 2023

Education is a vital tool for success in today’s society since it helps us to overcome the problems we face. As per research conducted by the Schools in Delhi, Education teaches the human mind and allows an individual’s skills to be utilized to their full potential. This opens the door to a wealth of alternatives, allowing individuals to consider a variety of professional growth options. In the contemporary world, education has played a crucial role. Education is the cornerstone of society since it produces economic and social success. In current times, education serves as a platform for the social assessment of difficulties and the discovery of potential solutions.

Today’s education has been modified and influenced in both positive and bad ways as a result of recent substantial developments in technology. As technology advances, so are how instructors use their classrooms. Teachers used chalkboards until roughly ten years ago, and then they went to whiteboards. Teachers nowadays use interactive whiteboards. These boards are quite complex, and they provide a variety of options for teaching and sharing information with pupils. This is only one example of how contemporary technology is transforming our educational institutions daily.

Here’s a look at some of technology’s positive effects.

Information is easily accessible.

According to the schools in Hyderabad, A student may find it difficult to gather the essential information for an essay or research paper if a school’s library is out-of-date or lacks a diverse range of titles. Students can utilize the Internet and digital encyclopedias to do their studies as long as the school provides a computer lab. While students should be skeptical of some of the information they find online, many schools employ software such as the Encyclopaedia Britannica to assist them with research.

Local Learning has a global reach.

Students can “meet” their counterparts through video conferencing without leaving the classroom when schools from various regions of the state, country, or world link.

Simulations and educational games

Teachers introduce youngsters to computers through instructional games in the early grades.

Students may learn the basics of spelling, counting, and other early educational courses using computer games that make learning pleasant instead of playing instructional board games. Students may study fundamental ideas in science and math by using virtual laboratories on the internet. Because many schools have at least one computer in each classroom, the teacher may make the computer an important element of the learning experience for young kids.

Learning at a distance is simple.

Another survey done by Boarding Schools in Delhi shows that Students may formerly attend community colleges and universities to take distance or continuing education programs, sometimes known as “correspondence courses.” After registering for such a course, a student will get course materials in the mail and will be asked to send assignments to his teacher at the educational institution. The procedure may take a long time and be difficult to follow. Students in continuing education may now attend classes online at their leisure, thanks to technological advancements.

Learn and Participate in Web Seminars

Not every school has the funds or resources to take students on field trips connected to their studies. When this occurs, the pupils’ education may be jeopardized. However, owing to advancements in technology, students may virtually attend web seminars (“webinars”) hosted by museums and other educational institutions. For example, NASA has a program that allows children to communicate with astronauts in orbit.

Texting and Instant Messaging

While texting while in class is frowned upon, it may have a significant positive impact on the learning experience. It may enable the learner to communicate directly with both professors and other pupils. This will aid students in gaining better comprehension of the subject. They are even allowed to ask questions that they were previously reluctant to ask in class.

This can be done in a variety of ways. The majority of schools that provide this do it through a service that allows students to have private access.


One low-cost click at a time, it’s free or virtually free. The World Wide Web, browsers, search engines, and digital platforms make it simple to get free access to a large amount of information.

Let us now consider the negative effects of technology.

Overloading on technology

There is a golden law that regulates technology’s influence on education, just as there is in everything else: “moderation in everything.” In the classroom, technology may easily be abused, which can have a detrimental impact on the whole learning experience. During class, some of these impacts may already be apparent via student texting and Internet usage (both school-related and non-school-related).

Physical repercussions:

Backache, Neck Pain, and Headache

Whether you like it or not, every piece of electronic equipment emits radiation in some form. The radiation levels in certain electrical equipment are higher than in others.

Damage to the eyes and ears:

One of the main worries of parents of young children who use technology at a young age is this. Children as young as two years old are utilizing screens to play games and keep themselves occupied in various civilizations.



Naman Sharma

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.