Sweating out a fever: Is it good or bad for you?

2 min readMay 4, 2023


If you are dripping the sweat off of your forehead right now while cluelessly looking for answers as to what your fever has to do with all that sweating, here’s your catch!

Sweating during fever is not a new phenomenon but it sure as hell creates an uncomfortable experience for a person who is already trying to recover from his or her fever.

If we talk about sweating and fever separately, these are two different body conditions.

Fever is a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness with the temperatures fluctuating now and then.

Why does the Body Sweat?

Well, sweating is one of the most important regulatory mechanisms of the body.

The main role of sweating is to cool down the internal temperature of the body and essentially balance the thermoregulation.

When the body overheats, sweating is a reaction process to bounce back the normal temperature. The antibodies fight the pathogens attacking the body and thus undergo changes that involve heat stimulation and thus an increase in body temperature.

In fact, sweating can release heat from the body at a rate that is more than ten times higher than a resting body can heat itself up.

Some of the reasons why sweating is important are –

  • Circulation through the muscles and other tissues increases
  • The skin releases certain toxins upon sweating which helps in detoxification.
  • Prevent the formation of kidney stones by releasing extra salts from the body.
  • Helps in opening up the skin pores and thus restricting bacteria entry and preventing skin problems like acne

Does sweating mean Fever is Breaking?

Well, yes. Sweating does help in breaking the fever and bringing back normal body temperature.

This is why you can find yourself profusely sweating during a fever because your body is trying to adapt and cool down the fever-induced raised temperature.

Once a person’s fever runs its course, the body needs to lower its core temperature. That’s where fever and sweating kicks in. Sweating is the body’s only way to regulate the normal temperature.

Fever sweating is not a fun part of the whole course of your health problem but it has its share of benefits which help the body in self-responding towards fighting the fever.

When a person has a fever, the normal body temperature (which is around 98.6 degrees) starts changing and fluctuating and mostly rises.

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