Best Web Development Resources in 2022: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Pratik Sharma
5 min readFeb 5, 2022


Image Source: Unsplash

Are you interested in becoming a web developer? It’s an exciting and growing industry with plenty of opportunities. But where do you start? And what resources are available to help you achieve your goal? In this blog post, I’ll outline some of the best resources for aspiring web developers. I’ll also provide tips on how to become a successful web developer. So whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking to refine your skills, read on for more information!

The basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Before we discuss the best resources for learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, let’s first have a look at the basics of these three coding languages.

HTML- HyperText Markup Language

HTML is one of the core technologies used to create websites. It is also known as the markup language. Using HTML, you can design web pages using a tree-like structure that contains a header, footer, and individual elements. You can then add content to these page elements using HTML tags. For example, the codice_1 tag defines a title, while the codice_2 tag defines a paragraph of text. The HTML tags are nested in the appropriate order to define the webpage structure.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

CSS is used for specifying how HTML elements will appear on web pages. You can use CSS to control the visual appearance of HTML tags-for example, you can specify what color text will be displayed, whether an image should take up all or only part of the available width, and so forth. Some other uses for CSS include defining the position of elements on a web page and specifying dimensions, fonts, and other such properties.


JavaScript is a scripting language that can be used to dynamically add content to HTML elements-for example, the name of the author of a particular paragraph. It is also used for creating dynamic action within web pages. JavaScript can respond to user-generated events such as mouse clicks or page scrolling. It can also be used to perform calculations. JavaScript is supported by all major browsers, so it is the key scripting language for building web applications.

The basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are essential for designing websites. Moreover, learning these coding languages will also help you understand how websites work as a whole.

Resources for learning more about web development

One great way to learn is by watching video tutorials. Codecademy offers brief, easy-to-follow video tutorials that teach you how to code from scratch. Their courses are free to take, and you can learn at your own pace.

Another great resource for learning web development is W3Schools. This website offers tutorials on all things web development, from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and jQuery. The tutorials are easy to follow and include examples so you can see how the code works.

MDN Web Docs is a comprehensive web development resource that offers tutorials on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website also includes resources for developers such as code snippets, tools, and demos. Additionally, MDN Web Docs offers a glossary of terms to help you better understand the concepts you are learning.

Treehouse is another great resource for learning web development. Their courses cover everything from HTML and CSS to PHP and JavaScript, with beginner-friendly tutorials that are easy to follow along at your own pace. One feature of Treehouse is their expert “coach,” who guides you through the courses and offers helpful feedback on your progress.

You can also learn web development by creating websites of your own, with guidance from experienced developers. One great way to do this is by taking an online course offered by Skillshare, where students can learn new skills while helping each other out along the way.

Another option is to hire a freelance developer to work with you one-on-one. Sites like Codementor can connect you with developers who are ready and willing to help make your learning experience more hands-on.

Below is a detailed list of resources that will help you to get started!

Courses / Paths

Best on Udemy

YouTube Channels

YouTube Tutorials

Coding challenges

Code Playgrounds

HTML & CSS Templates

Color Palletes

Icons / Illustrations

Photo Backgrounds





Charts and Data Visualization

Code Editors

  • Visual Studio (VS) Code
  • Atom
  • Sublime Text
  • Brackets
  • Vim


GitHub Repositories

Tips for becoming a successful web developer

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to becoming a successful web developer, but there are a few things that will help you on your way. First and foremost, it’s important to have a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These coding languages are essential for designing websites, and learning them will give you a better understanding of how websites work as a whole.

Another important factor in becoming a successful web developer is practice. As with anything else, the more you practice, the better you’ll become. Try out different tutorials and exercises, and see which ones work best for you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others developers are always happy to share their knowledge!

Finally, keep learning. There’s more to web development than HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (believe it or not). If you stay up-to-date on current trends in the field, then you’ll always be able to find challenging work that pushes your boundaries.

Let’s help each other!

Which are your favorite resources in these three categories? Let me know in the comments below so I can add them to my list of favorites too. Don’t forget to share this blog post with a friend who is looking for great web development resources! Happy Coding :)



Pratik Sharma

• Analytics • Decision Sciences • Visual Analytics • ML, NLP, DL • Web Development • LinkedIn: sharmapratikd • GitHub: sharmapratik88