Top 5 Vastu Tips to Instil Sanctity into a House Through Pooja Mandir

Ankit sharma
4 min readMay 18, 2018


Are you concerned about the astrological aspects of placing the prayer unit in the home? And, searching for some unique ways which will help you to bring joy and optimism in the house? Then, this post is just for you!

Any Indian home is incomplete without a home temple. It is a place where people pray and meditate to achieve positive vibes and built a profound connection with the god.
According to vastu shashtra, if a Pooja mandir for home is correctly assembled then it can bring positive vibes in the environment. These are the furniture units, which are available online in a broad range of designs, sizes, shapes, styles and materials and need to be positioned at the correct place to avoid bad luck and evil spirits.

Following are some mandatory vastu tips to be used when assembling a wooden mandir, to gain supreme happiness and prosperity in your abode.

1. Appropriate height:
The mandir for a home should be kept at a suitable height from a ground level.
It shouldn’t be too low nor too high.

The main idea is to have the idols of the god kept in front of the person, if kept lower, it would be a disrespect to the lord.
Also, it would be difficult for a person to see the idols. Thus, the general rule is, to keep the temple at a height where the God’s feet are higher than the person’s chest.

2. Material to be used:
According to vastu, home temples made of wood are propitious and considered to be ideal and natural.
Wooden temple designs made of sheesham wood are considered the best and auspicious for a home temple.
You can also buy temples made of other wood. Marble temples are also one of the materials used to design mandir and are considered appropriate.

3. Direction leads to positivity:
A wooden temple is incomplete without correct vastu directions. Always place the temple in the north-eastern or eastern corner of a home as it is considered the best path which brings luck to the abode.
Also, it is known that this side of a house is filled with positive energies. Make sure the idols of the god or goddess face in west and worshiper face in the east while praying.

4. Avoid these to lead to a happy place:
There are some points that you should avoid while planning to keep wooden temple in the home.
1 Avoid placing a temple adjoining to a bathroom, not even near it. It should have a proper room in the home or keep it in the living room.

2 Do not keep large idols in a mandir as they might damage the wooden mandir.

3 Avoid keeping unnecessary items or dustbins below the prayer unit. Keep it pure!!

5. Make it gorgeous looking:
1 Always decorate the temple with fresh flowers, aroma candles, incense or doop sticks to create a perfect ambience in the area.

2 If necessary opt for bookshelves beside it, for placing the books and other knick-knacks

3 Select the mandir with extra drawers, to keep all the stuff related to Pooja in it. And make space look de-cluttered.

It, this article you are guided by the simple vastu tips to incorporate while assembling the mandir. The home temple is an integral part which is filled with positive energies and wonderful feeling.
For a natural appearance, choose a wooden material which is durable, sturdy and beautiful on its own. Wooden temple if rightly chosen and kept carefully can last for years.
Also, the design and size of it can give the area a stunning decor and style.
These were some aspects that you should keep in mind while placing a home temple in the space.
Temples for the home come in wide variety of styles and can also be customised as desired. Give your home a classic and ravishing look by going through the various designs like a mandir with a front door and shelves or simplistic dome styled mandir. Select the one that is apt and make use of the space in your home efficiently.

