Why Does The Recurrence Of Hernia Occurs In A Patient?

Reshmi Sharma
2 min readDec 9, 2019


Hernia Surgery Kolkata

One of the most common questions that patients of Kolkata ask is — can a hernia reoccur? Though most of the professionals state that such chances are very low; the truth is, the chances are still there. There are numerous causes that result in the recurrence of a hernia. It is one of the biggest risks associated with hernia surgery. If the hernia surgery fails and the hernia reappears again after some years, this is referred to as a recurrent hernia.

In the 1990s, a major reform was launched in the medical industry where it was claimed that hernias can be fixed with the aid of a mesh. Till date, the same process is followed worldwide and in Kolkata and patients continue to get their hernias repaired with the aid of open surgery or laparoscopic hernia surgery.

Mesh is more like a mosquito net and can easily tear even after it has been stitched by the surgeon. Cases where patients have coughing over a long period or sneezing, the stitched area gets tensed and the mesh can easily get torn. Another issue with meshes used in Kolkata is their quality. Since most of the people cannot afford good quality mesh, they end up using an average quality that shrinks about 50 to 60% of their size post-operation. The result is this shrinkage is that the nearby skin area gets pressurized and then they too become weak.

Symptoms of Recurrent Hernia

A recurrent hernia can be recognized when a bulge appears at or near the site of the original hernia and can be sometimes painful. Severe health complications can occur if the hernia progresses and the intestines protrude into the hernia such as:

  • Infection
  • Constipation
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Loss of blood supply to the intestines

Causes of Recurrent Hernia

As mentioned above hernia can reappear if the mesh gets torn for a variety of reasons, some of which may not always be clear. But even then there are some circumstances that can place patients at an increased risk of a recurrent hernia:

  • Infection of the wound from initial hernia surgery
  • Being too active too soon after surgery
  • Chronic use of steroids
  • Chronic acute cough
  • Smoking
  • Obesity

Hernia Surgery has one of the highest rate success rates for hernia repair in all over Kolkata. Given the experience of the surgeons in Kolkata and state-of-the-art infrastructure, patients find better results with no side effects. Yes, a hernia can reoccur, but if pre & post-surgery guidelines are followed then chances of recurrence is almost nil.



Reshmi Sharma

The author of this article is Reshmi Sharma, a student of medical science in Kolkata. Reshmi has a keen interest in health topics and likes to share insights.