Why The Demand For Gallbladder Surgery Have Increased In Kolkata?

Reshmi Sharma
2 min readSep 23, 2019


In recent times the number of surgery for gallbladder or gallstones have increased rapidly in Kolkata. Over the last ten years, there have been reports of gallstones patients more than ever. Many reasons have been speculated over why this is happening. We studied some of these patients and found out the general reasons for the occurrence and recurrence of gallstones. Granted that due to the advanced method of laparoscopic gallbladder surgery it has become a very treatable disease, but one should try to avoid the possibility altogether .

When you try to understand the reason why it has increased in Kolkata, the answer is simple. First and foremost is ever-increasing cases of obesity. Obesity has become the main cause of a lot of medical conditions. Be it gallstones, high blood pressure, or cholesterol, a lot of lifestyle diseases are caused due to obesity. The reason for the increase in obese people in Kolkata is our rapid changes in lifestyle.

Nowadays most people are engaged in desk jobs.. All-day long sitting at one place has become the main factor for obesity. Apart from that, another huge factor is the increase in the intake of unhealthy foods. Whether its high-fat street food or fried and canned foods, these types of foods have increased in number in many people’s daily diet. This is why obesity has become a common cause not only in adults but also in kids. Due to this, the chances of gallstones have increased a lot in adults.

The high fat and fried foods that we are taking regularly are also increasing bad cholesterol in a lot of people in Kolkata. Cholesterol is a direct cause of gallstones. If your liver starts making more cholesterol than it can make bile, then these turn into yellow cholesterol stones, also known as gallbladder stones.

Now gallbladder stones might not be anything life-threatening at first, but it is a cause of worry in later stages as it starts to affect everyday life due to severe pain and discomfort. Thankfully, it can be treated easily through Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. The doctors generally get rid of the gallbladder all together so that there would be no recurrence of gallstones. It does not cause any severe complication, as the bile produced by the liver is more than enough, to ensure a healthy digestion.

So the real question is what to do so that these cases of gallstones decrease in number in Kolkata? As it is said that prevention is better than cure, the best way of prevention is to change our sedentary lifestyle,drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, and regularly have some kind of physical activity in your daily routine. Certainly then, the number of patients suffering from gallstones will curb in Kolkata.



Reshmi Sharma

The author of this article is Reshmi Sharma, a student of medical science in Kolkata. Reshmi has a keen interest in health topics and likes to share insights.