Ayodhya ram lalla murti

Rohan Sharma
3 min readFeb 10, 2024


Ayodhya, the ancient city nestled along the banks of the sacred Sarayu River, holds a pivotal place in Hindu mythology and spirituality as the birthplace of Lord Rama. Central to the city’s religious landscape is the revered Ram Janmabhoomi, where stands the iconic Ram Lalla Murti, a symbol of divine grace and cultural heritage cherished by millions of devotees worldwide. Let’s delve into the rich history and significance of Ayodhya’s sacred Ram Lalla Murti.

Historical and Mythological Roots:

The origins of Ayodhya’s Ram Lalla Murti can be traced back to ancient Hindu scriptures, particularly the Ramayana, which narrates the life and exploits of Lord Rama. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Rama was born to King Dasharatha and Queen Kaushalya in Ayodhya, marking the city as the sacred birthplace of the revered deity. The veneration of Lord Rama, in his infant form as Ram Lalla, has been ingrained in the cultural fabric of Ayodhya for millennia.

The Ram Janmabhoomi Temple:

At the heart of Ayodhya’s religious fervor lies the Ram Janmabhoomi temple, believed to be constructed at the very spot where Lord Rama was born. The temple complex houses the iconic Ram Lalla Murti, a depiction of the divine infant Lord Rama. Devotees from far and wide flock to the temple to pay homage to Ram Lalla, seeking blessings and spiritual solace in the divine presence.

Cultural Significance:

Ayodhya’s Ram Lalla Murti holds profound cultural significance, transcending religious boundaries and fostering a sense of unity and reverence among devotees. The depiction of Lord Rama as a vulnerable infant evokes sentiments of love, compassion, and divine grace, resonating deeply with devotees of all ages. Festivals and celebrations commemorating Lord Rama’s divine birth, such as Ram Navami, further underscore the cultural importance of Ram Lalla Murti in Ayodhya’s religious landscape.

Legal and Political Controversies:

The Ram Janmabhoomi site has been embroiled in legal and political controversies for decades, culminating in a landmark verdict by the Supreme Court of India in 2019, which granted permission for the construction of a Ram temple at the disputed site. The resolution of the long-standing dispute paved the way for the restoration and redevelopment of Ayodhya’s sacred Ram Janmabhoomi temple complex, reaffirming the city’s status as a beacon of Hindu spirituality and cultural heritage.

Devotional Practices:

Devotees engage in various forms of worship and devotion to honor Ayodhya’s Ram Lalla Murti. Offerings of flowers, incense, sweets, and prayers are made with deep reverence and devotion, seeking blessings for prosperity, protection, and spiritual enlightenment. The sacred presence of Ram Lalla continues to inspire devotees to forge a deep and abiding connection with the divine, fostering a sense of spiritual fulfillment and cultural pride.

Ayodhya’s sacred Ram Lalla Murti stands as a timeless symbol of divine grace and cultural heritage, embodying the cherished ideals of love, compassion, and righteousness espoused by Lord Rama. As devotees continue to flock to the Ram Janmabhoomi temple to pay homage to Ram Lalla, the significance of Ayodhya’s sacred deity remains ever-present in Hindu spirituality and cultural ethos, serving as a source of inspiration and spiritual solace for generations to come.

