The Youngest Womenpreneur of the year 2025

Sharmeen Chasmawala
5 min readAug 3, 2020


Greetings for the day!

Today let’s introduce you to the journey of a successful digital marketer, a social worker, and a Blogger. Any guesses who she is?

She’s none other than Sharmeen Chasmawala, an enthusiast with an infectious zeal!

She was initially working in a reputed IT firm as a Programmer Analyst. She did serve the company for about 1.5 years and then decided to make a switch as she was not contented with her work.

Life took a U-turn for her when she did an internship with DigitalDeepak in 2020. The internship program shaped her entire career life and helped her grow not only as a professional but also as an individual. She admits that she is still in touch with DigitalDeepak and is learning a lot from her mentor even today.!

Sharmeen is the CEO and co-founder of India’s best digital marketing organization, called “LearnToGrow,” which generates a strong revenue. She quotes that “If you follow your passion the numbers will follow you. These numbers will not be as exciting as the experiences in your journey”.


3 years down the lane, she has shared her passion for Digital Marketing by publishing articles on Inc. Magazines. Sharmeen has also been invited to speak at global conferences such as DigitalSummit and World Blogger.

Schooling never encouraged her to follow writing as she was good at mathematics and had aced some of the maths competitions. Only in the past few years, she discovered the immense love for writing and it has changed her life. Her blog “BloggerThoughts” is one of the country’s top-ranked blogs about digital marketing and educating.

The drive to always do more has got all the best possible outcomes in her.

Sharmeen has immense love for children and of this began with a short story that shook her hard. During her visit to Mumbai, she was thrilled to see poor children running up to her car and asking for help while she was stuck in traffic. It was then that she decided to work on her dream to provide every child in India access to education.

Today her “Our Little Ones” Foundation teaches over 9,500 children through three centers in Mumbai, Pune, and Hyderabad.

Our Little Ones

The love for children has taken on her professional life too. She provides free digital marketing lessons online just for the children who cannot afford such courses at a high cost. She has trained over 35,000 students in this field. Her happiness to train them with no cost is much deeper than what she earns at a cost. By educating the poor children she has immensely contributed to a better India.

There are only a handful of the many women who have worked for a better India. They are an inspiration to other Indian women. It is the time that we start appreciating them for the noble work they are doing.

“A woman is like a teabag — you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

That’s why it’s never a good idea to underestimate the strength of a woman. We salute all the strong, independent women of our country.

Like an ordinary person, she too has made some mistakes in life and her thought is learning from them is more important. She believes and practices this:

Making Mistakes is fine………

But not pursuing your passion out of Fear, insecurity, and what other people say about you…………is NOT!

You might regret Failing, but you will definitely regret not trying. This is what Sharmeen advises the youth of today. Pushes them to be bold and to take risks!

In her leisure time, Sharmeen loves to read books and she has developed an immense interest in reading during her internship program. Reading is just magical for Sharmeen and she believes that reading always helps one grow. She believes that the punctuation marks and the quotations can sometimes change your mood and sometimes can be life-changing too.

Sharmeen never misses an opportunity to travel and has traveled to many places including some villages where she is helping the children with education. She believes travel and music go hand in hand and enjoys every beat of the music. It makes her more productive and energized!

She also loves playing badminton and enjoys the sport to the core. Sharmeen believes that each one of us should play at least one sport no matter what because it helps you to be more proactive. If not any sport a small morning walk is also good to start with.

Sharmeen has also penned down the imagination of her future in her blogs. She believes that it’s far easier to remember the past than to imagine the future and the only way to create high-level confidence is by pursuing what you have never done before.

Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

Quoting this, Sharmeen has asked all her readers to pen down the imagination of their future and plan for it.

Are you ready to write your future? So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and write an article, Sharmeen is eagerly waiting to read and also guide you with it!

I am sure Sharmeen’s story is set to be an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs out there!

Just like her, if you have your visions and missions clear in your life, there’s nothing that can stop you from climbing the ladder of success! Just go for it!

