Genie Talks

sharmishte datti
2 min readAug 21, 2019


Chapter 1

Yes, that’s me in my favorite sleeping bag, simply being a genius!

Hello all. Um, I’m not sure how to introduce myself. For one, my food-giver calls me Genie and so does the terrifying lady and the sweet old man. Now you’re wondering who are these people and who am I. Let me establish myself first. I’m a dog, an Indian Mongrel, but these humans around me think I’m some cross breed of a Labrador and a street dog. Street dog? Seriously, give us some respect. We’re Indian Mongrels!

Right, where was I? The food-giver and her pack. I must say, they’ve taken quite a while to give me a name. I was still tiny when I landed here in this house. Finally, after quite a long time, I kept hearing the word Genie repeatedly. So that’s it. After all the time, they decided to name me… Genie? Seriously? I’m baffled with the name and I’m also flattered that they think I’m a… Genius? So here I am, a Genius Genie! It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

Wait, I was talking about my food-giver. She seems alright, but quite confusing at times. The other day I had just finished my usual potty business and was just biting the carpet when the food-giver barged in. She whacked me on the head out of nowhere and screamed why I was pooping here? What was I to say? She had just whacked me out of the blue. She continued shouting and said I need to poop outside.

“Alright, alright. I get it,” I said.
She just whacked me again! What was that for?
“Don’t talk back to me!” she screamed again.
Now that left me clueless. Saying Okay and obeying her was talking back?

I’ve decided to not be bothered by her too much as long as she keeps bringing me food and takes me to that warm room to snooze at night. It’s been almost a month since I’ve come to this house and I must admit, it feels like… home? Yes, that’s the word humans use: Home. And not bad, these humans have accepted me into their pack. This is such a relief from the highway tragedy. I didn’t tell you about that? Another time, that shoelace is calling me to play!

