The Evolution of Humanity: Part 2–Back to the Beginning

Sharon Pius
3 min readMay 2, 2020


Prior to the creation of matter, we existed in our complete state, in perfect form.

All right, let’s go back. All the way back to the very beginning. The point of the big bang, the birth of our universe, our nature, and all of the elements it is comprised of.

Our physical universe evolved in four stages, & imprinted within each emerging stage of development is information about the previous stage; beginning with the simplest to the most complex — and they are, the:

  1. Still — which include astronomical bodies (planets, moons, stars) and geological landscapes (mountains and hillsides, etc.)
  2. vegetative — which includes all vegetation and plant life.
  3. Animate — All animal life.
  4. Human/Speaking — The final stage of development of matter and the central point of creation

These 4 stages of natural development correlate to the 4 stages of development of desire within each person:

  1. Still — The desire to sustain the self and keep its form
  2. vegetative — The desire for movement and growth
  3. Animate — The desire for food, sex, family,
  4. Human/Speaking — The desire for power, wealth, honor, fame, knowledge, and finally, meaning

There are many scientific theories, ideas, researches, and funding that goes towards this topic alone: the question of what existed prior to the big bang. What we do know, is that prior to this event, matter, time and space didn’t exist, and then suddenly it did. So what did exist? A singularity (not the type associated with AI), rather a singular complete state, devoid of matter. A single point with no beginning and no end, and beyond the grasp of limited human perception.

I found an article recently, on an interview Stephen Hawking gave claiming he knew what existed prior to the big bang. He actually explains it really well considering we don’t possess the tools to measure or perceive such a state. However, knowing that the source of creation is a singularity does not answer questions about the meaning of life, though to be fair, I think that “time” was the topic of the interview.

Anyhow, this Singularity is the source or “seed” of creation. It is an entity that has stripped itself of its previous form in order to take on a completely new form, that of matter, the potential of which is destined to be revealed at the end of its formation and is therefore considered the primary cause. This rule is the same regarding the whole of creation or an individual creation.

meaning that each and every creature in the world from the four types — still, vegetative, animate, and speaking — abides by the law of causality by way of cause and effect.

Our reality, our universe, including each and every one of us, all belong to one system. Every element in the universe is in some way connected by way of cause and effect, including us. We are all interconnected integral parts of the same unified system called our general nature. The problem is that because we don’t feel this connection naturally, our behavior and attitude towards each other and towards nature, in general, is extremely damaging. We can see the damages manifest more and more in various forms in our physical world, and now that there is no place to run, humanity is beginning to awaken to the truth.

The truth is, that if we don’t begin to connect properly between us the deterioration of all that surrounds us will continue to increase, but in order to connect we must develop a unique methodology for all of humanity to understand not just the physical laws, but the natural laws that govern us and our entire reality, the laws that determine our desires, the laws that we will base the integral education on, that will teach us how to connect for the purpose of advancing the other and the world as a whole, that will teach us how to live a good and balanced life, how we influence and build this positive environment, that will allow us to realize this good life.



Sharon Pius

I was going to be an astronomer, but couldn’t handle the math — so now I break boundaries and reach infinite perception through integral connection with others