Sharon Aharonoff
3 min readFeb 13, 2024

Think Pink: Step Into Your Power and Unleash Your Potential

Note: This article is written in the style of a personal narrative essay.

I am ShayBez, and today I want to share with you my journey of self-discovery and empowerment through my guided journal product, ThinkPink. As a woman who has faced numerous challenges and obstacles in life, I understand the importance of finding one’s power and unlocking their full potential. ThinkPink is not just a journal; it is a tool that has helped me navigate through the ups and downs of life, allowing me to embrace my true self.

Embracing Change

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. We often find ourselves caught up in the chaos, struggling to make sense of it all. It was during one such period that I stumbled upon the concept of guided journaling. Intrigued by its potential to provide clarity and direction, I decided to create my own journaling experience — ThinkPink.

ThinkPink became my sanctuary; a safe space where I could explore my thoughts, dreams, fears, and aspirations without judgment or limitations. Through carefully crafted prompts, this journal encouraged me to dig deep within myself and confront the areas where I felt stuck or unsure. It allowed me to embrace change as an opportunity for growth rather than something to fear.

Discovering Self-Worth

One of the most transformative aspects of using ThinkPink was discovering my own self-worth. Society often places unrealistic expectations on women — we are expected to be perfect in every aspect of our lives. However, through this guided journaling process, I learned that true power comes from embracing our imperfections.

ThinkPink challenged me to question societal norms and redefine what success meant for me personally. It reminded me that my worth was not determined by external achievements or validation from others but by how authentically I lived my life.

Setting Intentions

Setting intentions is a powerful practice that allows us to align our actions with our desires. ThinkPink helped me set clear and meaningful intentions for various areas of my life, whether it was my career, relationships, or personal growth. By visualizing my goals and writing them down, I was able to manifest them into reality.

This guided journaling experience also taught me the importance of self-reflection. It encouraged me to regularly evaluate my progress towards my intentions and make adjustments along the way. Through this process, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and developed a greater sense of accountability.

Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude has the power to transform our perspective and bring joy into our lives. ThinkPink prompted me to cultivate gratitude by reflecting on the things I appreciated each day. This simple practice shifted my focus from what was lacking in my life to what I already had — an abundance of blessings.

Expressing gratitude not only improved my overall well-being but also strengthened my relationships with others. It allowed me to appreciate the small moments and acts of kindness that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Unleashing Your Potential

ThinkPink is more than just a guided journal; it is a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment. Through its thought-provoking prompts and gentle guidance, it encourages women to step into their power and unleash their full potential.

I invite you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery with ThinkPink. Embrace change, discover your self-worth, set meaningful intentions, cultivate gratitude — these are just some of the ways this guided journal can help you unlock the extraordinary within you.

Remember, you have the power within you to create the life you desire. Think Pink, embrace your uniqueness, and let your potential shine!

To learn more about ThinkPink or start your own transformative journey, visit

Sharon Aharonoff

Sharon Aharonoff: Creative Producer for hit shows like '100 Day Dream Home' & 'Impractical Jokers.' Decoding film success to inspire today's creators.