Google Merchant Center Do’s and Don’ts

3 min readAug 1, 2024


Merchant Center Google

Originally published on

Google Merchant Center is a crucial platform for e-commerce businesses aiming to display their products on Google Shopping and other Google services. Despite its benefits, managing product listings can be challenging due to potential errors. Understanding the best practices and common pitfalls of Google Merchant Center can help you avoid many issues and ensure compliance. In this article, we will delve into some of the most common Google Merchant Center errors and offer solutions to fix them.


  • Stay Updated: Regularly review Google’s Merchant Center policies.
  • Verify Information: Double-check all product data for accuracy.
  • Provide Valid Identifiers: Ensure correct GTINs, MPNs, and brand names are used.
  • Keep Prices Current: Update your feed frequently to match current pricing.
  • Use Quality Images: Ensure images meet Google’s requirements.


  • Address Violations Promptly: Resolve policy violations quickly to avoid suspensions.
  • Complete All Fields: Ensure that all required data fields are filled out.
  • Use High-Resolution Images: Avoid using low-quality images.
  • Match Prices: Ensure that feed prices align with website prices.
  • Provide Accurate Shipping Details: Do not overlook essential shipping information.

Types of Error Messages

Google Merchant Center error messages typically fall into several main categories:

  1. Account Level Errors: Issues related to your Merchant Center account, such as policy violations or account suspensions.
  2. Product Level Errors: Problems with specific products in your data feed, such as missing attributes or mismatched information.
  3. Data Quality Issues: Errors due to inaccuracies or missing information in your product data feed.
  4. Feed Processing Errors: Issues occurring during the upload or processing of your product feed, often due to format or syntax problems.
  5. Policy Violations: Indications that your products or listings do not comply with Google’s policies.

Recognizing the type of error message, you receive can help you diagnose and resolve issues more efficiently.

Common Errors and How to Fix Them

Account Level Errors

Error Description: These errors encompass policy violations, account suspensions, or issues with account settings that prevent your products from being displayed.

How to Fix:

  • Review Policies: Thoroughly review Google’s Merchant Center policies to ensure compliance across all aspects of your account.
  • Resolve Violations: Address any policy violations by modifying your listings, removing prohibited items, or updating incorrect information.
  • Contact Support: If your account is suspended, contact Google Merchant Center support for detailed instructions on how to resolve the issue and reinstate your account.

Product Level Errors

Error Description: Product-level errors refer to issues with individual product listings, such as missing GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers), incorrect product categories, or invalid URLs.

How to Fix:

  • Complete Data: Ensure all required fields (title, description, price, availability, etc.) are accurately filled out for each product.
  • Use Valid Identifiers: Provide correct GTINs, MPNs (Manufacturer Part Numbers), and brand names where applicable.
  • Verify URLs: Check that all URLs are correct, functional, and lead to the appropriate product pages.

1. Products Disapproved Due to Policy Violations

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