5 min readOct 6, 2018


Common characteristics of modern evil people in society.

Let me start by saying I am 51. I state this without apology or embarrassment. It is a simple fact. I am 51. Over the years I have worked in numerous places on both self employed and employed basis. I have a child. I have met people through work, kids activities, socially and through intermittent church attendance.

Despite the differences in location I have found


Now when I say evil, please let me explain. Evil to me, is the desire to ruin, destroy, humiliate, cause suffering.

These are the common characteristics I have found :-

  1. EGO

Without exception all of the people who go on to bully, exclude, cause trouble and strife and generally ruin your life have a TOP SURFACE HUGE EGO. Obviously this is fragile, as any perceived attack (which could be volunteering to perform one of their roles at church as they have so many and are always sighing about how much work they have to do 😃)will be met with hidden fury and exclusion, alienation and hate campaigns.


Without exception, evil people have a pathological need to control. It is scarey the way they need to control every aspect of their world, now this can range from bringing their child’s pillow and a pizza when dropping them off for a sleepover to a manager who vetoed a baby shower you suggested on behalf of the pregnant Mum who is excited about it, because the manager did not think of the idea first.


Again, they behave like a 5 year old. If you get in with their friend, they will cause trouble between you, if you incur their wrath they will use social media and gather a gang to gossip about you and mock you. You will become more and more paranoid as people you don’t even know look at you with either animosity or malice written on their expressions. I have seen many a grown evil person have what can only be called a full blown tantrum.


They are all deceitful, and most often, the true evil nature is masked by seeming popularity. They often have affairs, secretly practice the occult, find lying effortless.


These people will calmly talk with wide eyes about how ‘such a person was getting too big for their boots’ and so deserved to lose their job/home/husband/church and that they were completely right to partake in bringing it about.


These people will not stop, they will do anything and everything to bring you to your knees if you offend them.


Now this one is hard to explain, so let me give you examples, if a person does a bad thing and goes to court they will be let off, and everyone will say “how did they manage that? Wow they are so lucky!”

Or say they cheat on their taxes, a technical glitch with the computer system will result in them getting away with it.

Or a paedophile who is known to be active and is reported but time and again the case falls apart and they are allowed to continue.

Bizarre things surround evil people as they have the protection of Satan.


Evil people are incredibly avaricious, and woe betide you if you have something they don’t and they desire…this will result in either them breaking it “oops it just fell out of my hand”, or stealing it…”he was miserable with her, the marriage was over for years”, or demeaning it “who does she think she is driving that car? She looks ridiculous in it”… you get my drift? They have to have the most, the best, the finest.


They are all extremely jealous and will not tolerate anyone taking their loved ones away from them, even for a shopping trip! They will use every method available, including the occult to bring about a rift, a permanent rift.


All the ones I have met, regardless of their income firmly believed they deserved the best, they would think nothing of manipulating friends or spouses to buy them the object of their desire, regardless of the exhaustion and anxiety it caused them.


All of them are completely selfish to the bone, any ‘kind gesture’ will have been carefully calculated and matched to the benefits it will bring to them.


They will often appear as though they are quietly staring at you, figuring you out, calculating whether they will toy with you, destroy you or keep you as a cherished one.


These people are often unreasonable, which merges with selfishness and most of the other characteristics. For example, they have no job, bills to pay but want an expensive car so they ‘work on their partner’ to get the car, even though he is exhausted, he is desperate to please them and so works longer hours, sells things he loves, just to buy the cherished car.


Not calm as in a relaxing bath, more like ‘calm before the storm’. It is an eerie sort of calm, if it feels sinister, it is.


These people often hide behind a ‘poor me, I have to deal with this issue, but still manage to run all the activities for the group….’if you pity them you are more likely to bend to their will. It is a common ploy used to neutralise any potential aggression.


They are never wrong, don’t even think of disagreeing with them as they are never wrong, they won’t argue, they will just calmly stare at you, go quiet and then….watch out!!!


Yes oddly, many are likeable, great fun and very popular. And as long as you don’t do anything to displease them or break ranks they can be very benevolent, but, make no mistake, you are a pawn and are disposable.


Sadly many of them are married to lovely people who are incapable of leaving them and can only survive day to day by taking a prescription…..


For some reason….guilty conscience??? These people are obsessed with housework and you will always find their home immaculate, partly control, partly ego, I even knew one who mopped her ceilings!!

And so…. What is my advice??? Tread carefully and cautiously and if at all possible AVOID AVOID AVOID!!!!




Human Being. I dont believe people should be judged by race/sex/age/sexual preference and so I call myself a Human Being. Dislike Luciferians Twitter Exile