Sharon J
2 min readJan 8, 2023

Are you Busy or Focused?

We live in a society where keeping busy or at least letting others know that we are busy is seen as a good thing. We are always on the go; running here and there. The moment that we stop doing one thing in our life it causes a ripple affect such as slowing down which is thought of to make one lazy. Some days it seem impossible to get everything on our to do list done. The question that should be inserted here is to ask ourselves in life do I want to be busy doing many things or focused? You may be wondering well aren’t these two words one and the same thing? One can be busy but not productive and at the same time choosing to focus in on a few key things you like/enjoy or would like to develop proves to be more productive than wasting time on things that do not bring any lasting happiness or fulfillment to your life!

Focus allows one to realize that you can do a number of things and do them really well. As opposed to trying every and anything that really doesn’t mean much to you. Therefore, excercising your ability to say NO to activities that are a bore and don’t add that extra excitement to you will be the start of creating a genuine work space.

There is more I could say, but I will end it here for now! Until I decide to write again…

Authored/ Written by: Sharon Noel