Evaluating EduHack Online Course

Sharon Flynn
2 min readNov 14, 2018


I’ve been asked to take a look at the EduHack Online Course which aims to support University Educators who are interested in developing their digital skills to produce digitally-supported learning experiences. The project is about to enter a pilot phase, and I was asked to try out one of the lessons (my choice) to see how useful it might be for those of us involved in academic staff development.

A lot of the lessons are of interest and I was tempted by their titles. Since time was short, I chose one in the area of Digital Resources, specifically Create digital educational resources. I could easily have chosen one on curation/organisation of digital resources, or applying an open license. That’s one thing that I like about the project, each lesson is short and manageable. You can take one, or take a collection.

The lesson itself involves a video demonstrating the use of h5p.org — a creation tool that was entirely new to me. It’s a short video, about 10 minutes, but gives a quick overview of the tool. Being relatively technical myself, it didn’t take me long to get stuck in.

The next part of the lesson (the DO part) suggests an activity — to create a small interactive element, relevant to your teaching, and embed it in a blog post, with a narrative of how you might use it. Again, being short of time, I went for something relatively easy, a simple True/False question. Since I am giving a workshop next week on the Flipped Classroom, I used a simple example from that.

Unfortunately it’s not possible to embed the element in Medium (:-( although it did embed quite easily in my Blackboard course.

The question itself was based on a common myth about the Flipped Classroom — that it is primarily about using video.

