3 Secret Hacks Top Entrepreneurs Use To Rapidly Scale Their Business

Sharon Savariego
4 min readJan 19, 2017


You may have heard the statistic that 90 percent of all startups fail, but the important question is what distinguishes the ones that succeed? What many people don’t realize is that successful startups — communities, and companies in general — accomplish their mission with help from partners and external advocates who believe in their vision. They succeed by unlocking the power of many.

The power of many is the ability to drive mass participation through the unstoppable force of people coming together behind one goal or dream. Last year, armies of people turned business visions into a reality. Companies such as UBER, WeWork and Airbnb experienced hyper-growth, thanks to the way they leveraged their communities. In the world, we saw the Dakota Pipeline get rerouted, and India planted 50 million trees in one day. All of these organizations had a huge impact — an impact felt because large numbers of people were mobilized. As the CEO of Mobilize, an all-in-one group communication platform, I’ve seen firsthand how companies like Salesforce, Docker and Etsy mobilize their groups to accomplish amazing goals.

Tapping into the power of many is easy. You can start today with three steps:

1. Make a List of All The People That Care About Your Goal

Tip: Make a list of all the people and leaders that care about the goal your business is aiming to accomplish. This list will include people in your personal life, professional network, thought leaders, and top influencers you dream of having lunch with one day. It will become an ever-growing spreadsheet of like-minded individuals who you’ll eventually reach out to and join forces. These are the people who you’ll target to rally around your goal.

There’s never been a better time in history to collaborate with people around the world. Nearly 3.6 billion people globally are using the Internet, according to a recent report. No matter what your dream is — to reach new markets, build better products or influence more people — when you join forces with people, you increase the chances of turning your ideas into reality.

2. Schedule Time to Join Programs & Relevant Groups

Tip: Schedule time out of your day to find and join programs, LinkedIn groups, Meetups, and any other group that share your passion. These networks will help you find new tools and meet people that might give you the perfect introduction or piece of advice that you need. For example, as part of my resolution to make 2017 a year in which I meet fellow global leaders and find new sources of inspiration, I just finished applying to the Young Entrepreneur Council, Thousand Network, and a couple more.

Beautiful things start to happen when you surround yourself with people who share your vision. Together, people can help each other stay true to themselves and their core values — all of which are connected to the goal they’re trying to achieve. In this global environment, we are looking for connection and community. A place where we feel understood and supported. Studies have shown that a sense of belonging increases happiness and provides people with a greater sense of purpose.

3. List 5–10 Actions You & Your Group Can Do Together

Tip: Start by asking yourself, “What is your ultimate goal and what are all the small steps we need to take to achieve it?” Next, choose five to 10 actions your network can accomplish together. The actions you’ve listed will be your network milestones. Rank these milestones from easiest to hardest. This will be your roadmap. When you start with the smaller asks, you make it easier for people to join you. As they get more and more committed, the bigger tasks can be accomplished together.

Times are changing, and so is the definition of a leader. A leader is no longer someone who dictates, a leader is someone who empowers. Once you create a community — and bring together people that care about a collective vision — you are empowering them to rise to the occasion, and be better versions of themselves. Some people are unaware of their potential, and sometimes they need a little push to take it to the next level.

The New Year is full of endless opportunities and possibilities. There are seven billion people on this Earth, and so many inspiring people eagerly awaiting an invitation to join your mission. Don’t wait another year to get started. In the words of Dr. Seuss, “Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!”



Sharon Savariego

CEO & Founder www.mobilize.io. A real geek when it comes to #SaaS #Communication #NetworkedEconomy & a real believer in the power of groups and networks.