Happiness Leads to Success. So Make Being Happy Your #1 Priority.

Sharon Singh Sidhu
2 min readMar 29, 2023

Research has proven that happiness leads to higher productivity, performance and success.

So, your number one priority should be to do whatever you can to be happy most of the time.

If you’re a people leader or you manage a team, your number one priority should be to make sure that your people are happy most of the time.

When your people are happy, they perform better and it makes your job as a manager easier. That’s gonna make you happier and therefore your performance even better!

It works all the way around.

So why are we still using old school methods of fear, force and threats of firing people to make them perform better?

The science already tells us that it just doesn’t work.

Why keep banging our heads against the wall?

Why not learn how to master your emotions so that no matter how stressful or challenging the situation is, you can still remain calm, at peace, clear headed and happy?

Even better, why not teach that to your teams too?

Imagine the kind of workplace or business that’s gonna be like.

It’s all about creating an environment where everyone is happy, having fun at work, thriving and lifting each other up instead of competing against each other. It’s a place of collaboration and trust instead of suspicion, disrespect and fear.

This is how everyone can do their best work.

To learn how to master your emotions and keep yourself happy, join my all-women Meetup group where I run free, LIVE demos to show you how: https://sharonsinghsidhu.com/meetup

