How to Identify and Stay Away from Mediocre People

Sharon Zaks
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


Mediocre people are not made in a vacuum.

They are the byproduct of a mediocre environment characterized by judgment, criticism, toxicity, low self-esteem, and a lack of creative imagination.

They absorb this energy from their education, environment, and social media — and spread it to everyone else around them.

Unless you have a strong mindset and the right tools, you won’t be able to change them.

Most likely you’ll fall into their sphere of influence, and adopt their POV.

To avoid them, you first have to identify them:

They say NO to new ideas and exploration. NO is always their default option.

They ignore the full half of the glass, even when it’s freaking delicious.

They refer to challenges as problems and dangers.

They are experts in identifying these little problems and dangers but are often very bad at offering solutions.

When they offer a solution, it will be simplistic rather than simple.

Their dark prophecies usually end up with some variation of “stay away at all costs.”

They are usually bad listeners.

They consistently watch the news and are easily distracted.

If you hang out with people like that, it’s time to reconsider your relationships with them.

You won’t be able to ignore their criticism and do what’s right for you.

You won’t be able to make decisions honestly and independently.

They have a profound negative psychological effect on you.

You’re not a remote island.

Without being aware, you’ll adopt their thinking patterns, and viewpoints, and practice their habits.

Your natural, authentic inner voice will be replaced with a toxic one.

Because our subconsciousness absorbs EVERY word it hears, regardless of whether it’s true or not.

These words reprogram your subconsciousness in real-time, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Like an anti-virus running in the background, scanning for malicious software.

If your operating system is flawed (e.g. limiting beliefs), then the actions you take will be ineffective.

You can’t become what you dislike or hate.

You can’t do what you believe is impossible.

Can you run a marathon when you hang out with people who smoke and eat junk food every day?

You won’t just swim against a current. You’ll be swimming against an entire ocean.

And even if you manage to hold on to a rock for a few minutes, the waves would quickly kick your ass back to where you started — exhausted and powerless.

Let go of mediocre people.

Protect your sub-consciousness at all costs.

Stop looking to swim against the flow, or to win against all odds.

Move to another river, and start swimming WITH the current; with energetic, positive, and optimistic people who push you forward, and outside your comfort zone.

#mediocracy #subconsciousmind #subconscious #comfortzone



Sharon Zaks

I write about digital slowmadism, and lifestyle design | Digital Nomad for 2 years | Traveled in 29 countries | Helped 40K community members travel better ✈️