7 Reasons Why You Should Start Travelling for Food

Sharukh Bamboat
3 min readApr 1, 2024


Indian fritters frying in a huge frying pan
Photo by Rani George on Unsplash

Whether you like to travel for food or not you need to focus on how you can enjoy food when you are visiting different countries, cities and towns. Food is not just fuel but an experience. Hence, you need to look out for places where you can find excellent local eateries, award-winning restaurants and relaxing cafes that offer you the best food experience.

Even if you are not travelling for food you would want to focus on how you can improve your travel experiences when you make food an integral part of your travel.

Here are 7 reasons why you should start travelling for food.

Get to Know New Dishes

Every culture in the world has its own set of cuisines and food items. When you travel for food you get to know more about new dishes that you’ve never known before. Rather than learning through cookbooks you can travel the world and find out more about local food items that you’ve never heard about before. Also, while you are exploring new regions you might come across ingredients that are not available in your region. This is a great way to expand your palate and learn about new ingredients.

Immerse Yourself in Local Culture

Travelling for food is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture. You can learn a lot about the city’s local culture through food. Different cities and towns have different foods and that can help you dig deeper into the local culture and traditions. Various food items are connected to certain events and traditions and enjoying those meals can help you find out more information. For instance, when you are travelling in India you can find various local cuisines deeply rooted in local culture and traditions.

Get to Know Local History

Food is also closely associated with local history. Hence, when you travel for food you also get to find out more about local history and how various local dishes were introduced in a community. This would allow you to explore local history and various events related to the city or town you are visiting.

Connect with Locals

Enjoying local food is a great way to connect with the locals and learn about their way of life. This is a great way to make memories when you are travelling across the globe. Relish local food can help you interact with the locals and they can share trivia and stories that would reveal more about why certain foods are popular locally.

Understand Geography

Not all types of foods and food ingredients are available all over the world. Hence, when you are visiting certain locations you will find that certain cities or towns have a primary food ingredient. This particular ingredient grows abundantly in the region and therefore it has become part of all the items cooked in the region. For instance, rice is one of the staple foods in India and across many countries in Asia. Similarly, beans and avocado are the most common ingredients in the Mexican cuisine. Olive oil and cheese dominate Italian and Greek cuisines.

Relish Local Flavours

If you are a foodie you would want to relish local flavours that would offer you a unique like no other. The best part about travelling for food is that you get to taste different flavours blended. This is a great way to enjoy your travel as you can try different food items available on the streets and on the menu.

Encourage Local Businesses

When you are travelling for food you also indirectly encourage and boost local businesses and talent that have been working hard to keep the local cuisine alive. In the world of globalization where top fast food brands dominate global markets choosing to eat local cuisine can help local food establishments to compete, grow and sustain in the market competition.

