9 Tips on How to Stay Hydrated When Travelling India in Summer Months

Sharukh Bamboat
4 min readApr 5, 2024


woman with her hand on head
Photo by Loren Joseph on Unsplash

You must focus on how to stay hydrated in the summer months when you exploring different parts of India. Overall, India has a tropical climate but different regions in the country have different climatic conditions. However, during the summer months from March to June things can get pretty uncomfortable as the temperature soars. If you are travelling in India during the summer months you need to take extra precautions that would help you stay hydrated.

This can directly influence your travel experiences as staying hydrated is not just about replenishing your body with lost fluids, but also protecting joints and organs and offering the right nutrients to cells. There are many places to visit in summer in India but you need to know how you can focus on hydration to help you enjoy your holidays in India.

Carry Your Water Bottle

One of the simplest ways to stay hydrated in summer when exploring Indian towns and cities is to carry a water bottle. This would ensure that you have access to clean water right from the moment you step out of your hotel. If you do not have access to filtered water you can buy bottled water available at various local stores.

Buy Bottled Water

If you do not want to carry a water bottle with you you should buy bottled water from various stores and stalls. This is a great way to find readily available clean water. However, you need to look out for reputed and reliable brands like Bisleri, Aquafina, Kinley, Bailey, Himalayan, Kingfisher and OxyRich to ensure that you get clean drinking water. You can also find various international bottled water brands like Evian in various shopping malls in Mumbai.

Skip Your Coffee

In the past few decades, India has seen a phenomenal rise in the number of cafes that have popped up in different cities and towns. These cafes are perfect for hanging out and enjoying some delicious coffee and snacks. However, drinking coffee can only make you feel warmer because of its high caffeine levels. Also, coffee can have diuretic effects which can lead to more urine production. This can lead to losing more water and feeling dehydrated as you head out for your city tour. If you are a coffee addict you should look out for decaf coffee to help you minimize the effects.

Drink Fresh Coconut Water

Coconut water is easily available in many parts of India. You can find many stalls where you can find fresh coconut water which you can drink instantly. It is one of the easiest ways to stay hydrated in summer in India. This would allow you to enjoy the benefits of coconut water as you tour India. You can also find packaged coconuts at various grocery stores that you can buy and drink coconut water from.

Try Fresh Fruit Juices and Fruit Plates

When I say ‘fresh’ fruit juices I mean fruit juices made from fruits right in front of you. While you are exploring India you would also want to focus on various fruits that would help you replenish your body the right way. Watermelons are available in abundance during the summer months in India and this is a great way to beat the summer heat in India. You can look out for fresh watermelon juices available at various roadside stalls and even on restaurant menus. Apart from watermelon, you can also look out for other fruits like mango, muskmelon, grapes, lemons, and even lychees. These fruits are in season during the hot summer months so enjoy them and stay hydrated in summer.

Enjoy Smoothies

Smoothies can provide you with much-needed respite from the heat. You can enjoy some delicious fresh fruit smoothies that will help you stay hydrated in summer. Since mangoes are quite popular during the summer months in India, mango smoothies would be a perfect recipe for a delicious way to beat the summer heat. You can also look out for other fresh fruit smoothies at various cafes and restaurants.

Avoid Alcoholic Drinks

One of the ways to stay hydrated in summer in India is you avoid alcoholic drinks. This is a simple way to ensure that you beat the heat the right way. Alcoholic beverages can have diuretic effects which would lead to more water loss through frequent urination. Even if you are partying and enjoying a good nightlife you must focus on how much alcohol you consume.

Focus on What You Eat

India is known for its diverse cuisine. This means that you will find a huge variety of food items on the streets and restaurant menus. However, what you consume can only make you feel warm and sweaty. Hence, you should focus on limiting your consumption of spicy and fried foods. Also, you would want to focus on food items that have more vegetables and less meat to help you control your body heat. You may want to include onions, cucumbers, yoghurt and mint leaves in your diet to help you stay hydrated and cool. Green leafy vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, lettuce and cabbage pack a lot of nutrients and have high water content.

Plan Your Day

When you are travelling in India during the hot summer months you want to ensure that you stay hydrated by planning your day. This is essential because you do not want to stay outside during the afternoon hours. Being outdoors during the afternoon hours can lead to more exhaustion, fatigue and dehydration. If you are covering places like zoos and parks you should visit them in the morning hours to help to avoid the scorching sunlight. On the other hand, you may want to explore shopping malls in the afternoon hours as that would allow you to stay indoors as much as possible.

If you are looking for more such content related specifically to India you may visit Travel India Destinations blog to know more about Indian destinations, food, shopping, history, culture and a lot more.

