3 easy steps to use SWITCH function to make a conditional coloured bar charts in Power BI

Shashanka Shekhar
Microsoft Power BI
Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2024

Power BI is a platform that allows you to connect to various data sources, transform and model your data, and create interactive dashboards and reports. Power BI can help you gain insights from your data and communicate them effectively.

What are Bar Charts or Graphs?

Bar graphs, also known as bar charts, are a type of data visualization that represent data in the form of vertical or horizontal rectangular bars. The length of the bars is proportional to the measure of the data they represent. Bar graphs are a powerful tool in statistics for the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. They make it easy to compare data and understand trends.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Building the Chart

We will be making this Chart:

Coloured Bar Chart

In this chart we are taking customer_region which is a categorical data in Y- axis and YoY Sales in X- axis and if YoY Sales>0 then we are assigning Green colour to bars, if YoY Sales<0 then we are assigning Red colour to bars and if YoY Sales = 0 then Blue colour.

1.Creating the Bar Chart:

First we need to create a bar chart for which we head to Visualizations and in Build visual select Stacked bar chart. Now select the chart and in Y-axis put customer_region and in X-axis put YoY Sales.

Build visual settings

Now go to Format visual then head to Visual, turn on Data labels and set Position to Outside end.

Format visual settings

After doing all above the chart should look like this

This is how the bar chart should look

2.DAX to assign conditional colours to bar charts:

Colours = SWITCH(TRUE(), [YoY Sales]>0, “Greater”, [YoY Sales]<0, “Less”, [YoY Sales]=0, “No Sales”)

DAX for Colours Generation
  • TRUE() is the expression that SWITCH will evaluate. In this case, it’s always TRUE, so SWITCH will check each subsequent condition in order.
  • [YoY Sales]>0, "Greater": If the YoY Sales (Year-over-Year Sales) is greater than 0, the formula will return “Greater”.
  • [YoY Sales]<0, "Less": If the YoY Sales is less than 0, the formula will return “Less”.
  • [YoY Sales]=0, "No Sales": If the YoY Sales is equal to 0, the formula will return “No Sales”.

So, this formula is creating a new column Colours that categorizes the YoY Sales into “Greater”, “Less” or “No Sales” based on whether the sales are positive, negative or zero.

3.Assigning the Colours measure to the bar chart:

Now click on the chart go to Format visual expand Bars and in Color press fx.

Format visual settings

In Format style choose Rules and in field select Colours . Now in Rules type Greater in the same way as you wrote in the IF function of the Colours following the if values is portion and choose green colour then add another rule by pressing +New rule and type Less following the if values is portion and again in the same way as in IF function then just choose red colour then add another rule by pressing +New rule and type No Sales following the if values is portion and choose blue colour.

This is how the Rules should look

Press OK and we have our chart.

The Final Chart

In similar ways you can assign colours to other charts just try it out.

To go to Part 1 of the Professional KPI series 2 refer to this link.

To create a dynamic KPI in Power BI refer to this link.

To make a dynamic measure column refer to this link.

To make Professional KPI refer to this link.

To go to Part 1 of the Professional KPI series 1 refer to this link.

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Shashanka Shekhar
Microsoft Power BI

Contributor for Microsoft Power BI. I like Data Analysis and Data Science. Also I enjoy sports, videogames and Japanese Anime in my free time.