Maximizing Efficiency in Deep Learning: From Quantization to Multi-GPU Scaling

Shashank Agarwal
7 min readAug 18, 2024


Training the recent deep learning models like large language models (LLMs) presents a significant challenge: running out of GPU memory. If you’ve ever worked with models on Nvidia GPUs, you might have encountered an “out-of-memory” error, especially when dealing with substantial models. These issues arise because deep learning models require vast amounts of memory to store and train their parameters effectively. Before we dive into solutions, let’s explore the memory demands of deep learning models.

Consider this: A model’s parameter is usually represented as a 32-bit floating-point number, or FP32, which consumes four bytes of memory. Therefore, a model with one billion parameters needs four gigabytes (GB) of GPU RAM just to store the weights. However, this is just the beginning. Training the model requires additional memory for components like optimizer states, gradients, and activations, often multiplying the memory demand by a factor of six. In other words, to train a model with one billion parameters at FP32 precision, you’d need approximately 24 GB of GPU RAM — a significant demand even for advanced hardware setups.

In this article, we will dive into two different ways to make the model training memory efficient.

  1. Quantization
  2. Multi-GPU Scaling

1. Quantization: A Strategy for Memory Efficiency

One effective method for reducing memory consumption is quantization. This technique reduces the memory footprint of a model by decreasing the precision of the numbers used to represent its weights. Instead of using 32-bit floating-point numbers (FP32), you might use 16-bit floating-point numbers (FP16) or even 8-bit integers (INT8). Here’s how each option stacks up:

  1. FP32 (32-bit Floating Point)
  • Memory Usage: 4 bytes per parameter
  • Range: Approximately -3 * 10³⁸ to 3 * 10³⁸
  • Application: Default precision in many deep learning frameworks.
  • Structure: 1 bit for the sign, 8 bits for the exponent, and 23 bits for the mantissa (fraction).

2. FP16 (16-bit Floating Point)

  • Memory Usage: 2 bytes per parameter
  • Range: -65,504 to 65,504
  • Application: Reduces memory needs by half with minimal loss of accuracy.
  • Structure: 1 bit for the sign, 5 bits for the exponent, and 10 bits for the mantissa. The precision loss is often tolerable for most deep learning tasks.

3. BFLOAT16 (Brain Floating Point)

  • Memory Usage: 2 bytes per parameter
  • Range: Same dynamic range as FP32 but with fewer precision bits.
  • Application: Popular in training large models like FLAN-T5, offering a good balance between performance and efficiency.
  • Structure: 1 bit for the sign, 8 bits for the exponent, and 7 bits for the mantissa. Maintains FP32’s dynamic range while cutting memory usage by half.

4. INT8 (8-bit Integer)

  • Memory Usage: 1 byte per parameter
  • Range: -128 to 127
  • Application: Drastically reduces memory requirements but at the cost of significant precision loss, limiting its use to specific scenarios where such trade-offs are acceptable.
  • Structure: 1 bit for the sign and 7 bits for the value.

The Practical Benefits of Quantization

Quantization can significantly lower the memory requirements for storing and training models:

  • Using FP16: Reduces memory usage from 4 GB to 2 GB for a model with one billion parameters, representing a 50% reduction.
  • Using INT8: Further cuts the memory demand to just 1 GB, achieving a 75% reduction.

However, it’s essential to recognize that the rapid growth of LLMs in deep learning— often exceeding tens or hundreds of billions of parameters — poses challenges that quantization alone cannot solve. Training such colossal models typically requires distributed computing across multiple GPUs, which is both expensive and complex.

The Role of Quantization in Modern Deep Learning

Quantization is a valuable tool for reducing the memory footprint of deep learning models, making it feasible to train larger models on limited hardware resources. By strategically lowering the precision of model parameters, significant memory savings can be achieved without sacrificing too much accuracy or performance. As models continue to grow in size, additional strategies, such as distributed training, become essential to manage the immense computational demands.

Additionally, keeping an eye on emerging methods like BFLOAT16, which strike an excellent balance between memory efficiency and computational performance would be quite helpful in using the resources efficiently. This approach is also becoming increasingly important as deep learning models continue to evolve.

In summary, quantization is a powerful technique that, when combined with other advanced strategies, can help you effectively train and deploy large-scale models.

2. Multi-GPU Scaling

As your deep learning models grow in complexity and size, you’ll eventually encounter situations where a single GPU isn’t enough to handle the training process efficiently. Even if your model fits onto a single GPU, utilizing multiple GPUs can significantly speed up the training process. Let’s explore how you can efficiently distribute your model training across multiple GPUs, ensuring optimal performance and memory usage.

Data-Parallelism with DDP (Distributed Data-Parallel)

When your model can still fit on a single GPU, the first step in scaling is to distribute the data across multiple GPUs. This approach allows you to process different batches of data in parallel, significantly accelerating training. A widely used technique for this is Data-Parallelism.

Distributed Data-Parallel in LLMs
  • How it works: DDP replicates your model across multiple GPUs. Each GPU processes a different batch of data simultaneously. After processing, the results are synchronized, ensuring that all GPUs have identical updated models.
  • Benefit: This parallel processing speeds up training without increasing the memory footprint on any single GPU.
  • Limitation: DDP requires that all model components, like weights and gradients, fit on each GPU. If your model is too large, DDP alone won’t be enough.

Model Sharding with FSDP (Fully Sharded Data-Parallel)

When your model becomes too large to fit on a single GPU, you need a more advanced technique called Model Sharding. Instead of replicating the entire model on each GPU, model sharding distributes parts of the model across multiple GPUs, reducing the memory burden on each individual GPU.

FSDP is built on a concept from a method called ZeRO (Zero Redundancy Optimizer). Instead of each GPU holding a complete copy of the model, FSDP divides (or shards) the model’s parameters, gradients, and optimizer states across multiple GPUs.

There are three stages proposed in ZeRO:

Stages of ZeRO
  • Stage 1: Only optimizer states are sharded, reducing memory usage significantly.
  • Stage 2: Both optimizer states and gradients are sharded, further lowering memory demands.
  • Stage 3: Everything, including the model parameters, is sharded across GPUs, offering maximum memory efficiency.

How FSDP differs from DDP?

Unlike DDP, which replicates the entire model on each GPU, FSDP only keeps a portion of the model on each GPU. This allows you to train models that are too large to fit on a single GPU.

FSDP Work Flow

FSDP involves a trade-off between memory usage and performance. Sharding reduces memory needs but increases communication between GPUs, which can slow down training slightly. The level of sharding can be adjusted based on your hardware and performance requirements.

Optimizing Performance with FSDP

1 teraFLOP = 10¹² FLOating Point operations per second.

FSDP is versatile and can be used with both small and large models. For smaller models, the performance of FSDP and DDP is often similar. However, as model size increases, FSDP shines because it can handle models that would cause DDP to run out of memory.

For example, with very large models, FSDP can maintain higher performance by effectively managing the memory and computational load across GPUs. Even as the number of GPUs increases, FSDP ensures that your model continues to train efficiently, though with a slight performance trade-off as communication between GPUs becomes more complex.

Optimizing deep learning models requires smart strategies to manage memory and speed up training. Quantization reduces the memory footprint by lowering the precision of model parameters, making it possible to train large models on limited hardware. When models are too big for a single GPU, multi-GPU scaling techniques like DDP and FSDP distribute the workload, enabling efficient training across multiple GPUs.

Thanks for reading, hope this helps.

