4 min readJan 5, 2024


1)date — command is used to display the system date and time

2)cal — command displays the current month’s formatted calendar on our terminal screen

3)whoami — command is used to print the effective user ID whereas the who command prints information regarding users who are presently logged in

4)ls and ls-al-command lists the directory contents of files and directories

5)cat — (concatenate) command is used to permitting us to create single or many files, concatenate files and redirect, view contain of file output in terminal or files

6)m — command is used to delete files

7)mkdir — command used to create the directory

8)mv — command, we can move files and directories on our file system.

9)uname — command displays the current system’s information. We can view system information about our Linux environment with the uname command in Linux. With the uname -a command, we can learn more about our system, including Kernel Name, Node Name, Kernel Release, Kernel Version, Hardware Platform, Processor, and Operating System.

10)users — command is used to display the login names of users logged in on the system.

11)uptime — command displays the amount of time the system has been running.

12)less — command is used to view files instead of opening the file. The less command is a more powerful variant of the “more” command which is used to show information one page at a time to the terminal. Ex: # less /etc/passwd

13)free — command provides us the useful information about the amount of RAM available on a Linux machine. It also displays the entire amount of physical memory used and available space, as well as swap memory with kernel buffers.

14)more — command permits us to show output in the terminal one page at a time. This is particularly beneficial when using a command that requires a lot of scrolling

15)history — command print the current user’s bash history

16)pwd — command is used to print working directory.

17)man -It displays the user manual for all commands in Kali Linux. It includes Bash command and detailed synopsis with a short description.

18)sort -command, we can sort the content of the text file, line by line

19)echo — This command displays any text as arguments. It is used for debugging shell programs.

20)tree -This command shows the list of contents from a director in the tree fashion

