(§) Importance of Mental health in today’s world :-

Shashank Kr
4 min readSep 4, 2021


Mental health includes our emotional , psychological and social well being. Mental health also deals with our ability to handle stress, negative experiences, anxiety and many more.

Our mental health is as important as our physical health.

So, Why our mental health is as important as our physical health?

The answer is quite simple , Mental health is directly associated with our physical health. It directly affects our physical health . Mental health disorders leads to strokes , heart diseases , diabetes etc.

According to a survey , more than 450 million people are suffering from Mental health disorders such as anxiety, stress , depression and tension.

Mental health disorders also affects person health behavior like eating sensibly, regular exercise , adequate sleep and social behavior.

=> Why mentally well being is necessity of today’s world?

According to WHO , depression will constitute the second largest disease burden worldwide.

In today’s world, we experience too much negativity, we compare ourselves , destruction of relationships , loneliness and what not .

It becomes a necessity to become mentally well in order to handle our emotions , our feelings and our mind.

Here are some points which tells us why a good mental health is necessary:-

  1. A good mental health is necessary for maintaining our physical health.
  2. It is necessary to maintain our relationships
  3. To prevent ourselves from physical diseases like heart diseases, stress , cardiac arrest and strokes .
  4. To develop a good immune.
  5. To stand ourselves in today’s world.

(•) Ways to become mentally well :-

Here are some effective ways to maintain and improve our mental health.

1. Meditation:-

Meditation is one of effective ways to improve our mental health . You don’t need to sit for an hour in order to achieve mindfulness. Just 5–10 minutes daily.

Just sit in a relaxing position , close your eyes , take deep breaths for 5–10 minutes . Focus on one thing , and try not to distract yourself.

2. Letting go :-

We need to accept that we cannot control each and every thing in our lives. Sometimes we just need to let go things and let GOD take care of them.

3. Read more books on self help and mental health:-

It is scientifically proven that when you read something , you develop new brain cells each time. Reading just not only improves our creativity , imagination power but also improves our mental health.

Reading books is an effective way to improve mental health . Just read 10–15 pages daily.

Both meditation and reading help in improving concentration power.

4. Workout :-

Exercise improves our mental health by reducing anxiety, depression and negative mood . Exercise improves self esteem and cognitive functions .

It also helps in increasing memory.

5. Eating healthy:-

Healthy eating promotes the growth of “good" bacteria which in turn positively affects our neurotransmitter production. When this neurotransmitter production is in good shape , your brain receives these positive message loud and clear and your emotions reflect it .

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