Getting Apple’s SF Mono Font in macOS

Shashikant Jagtap
3 min readSep 4, 2017


Since Apple launched SF Mono Font at WWDC 2016, I fall in love with this amazing font. I turned my whole blog website to use SF Mono font but it involved a bit of work downloading the font and hosting it on the server and updating CSS to use it. However, you can now use all the variants of SF Mono Font everywhere in Mac locally. In this short post let’s see how to install SF Mono font in the macOS. Make sure you have macOS Sierra 10.12 or above.

SF Mono

Currently, SF Mono font is available in the Terminal App as well as default in Xcode 8. You can see all the variants of SF Mono fonts at location

$ /Applications/Utilities/

The font is not installed by default for all the applications. We have to manually install it in order to get it for all other apps. Thank you so much, Simon, for sharing a blog about how to do this. Basically, it’s very easy to install it all over the place.

1] Install using Finder

You install SF Mono font easily by following these simple steps from Finder.

  • Open Finder and select Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal app.
  • Right Click on Terminal app and select Show Package Contents
  • Navigate to Contents->Resources->Fonts Directory
  • Now select all the Fonts in .otf format by pressing CMD+A and right click to select Open
  • This will give you a new popup to install fonts. Click on Install. You will get a pop showing error to select all the fonts and click on “Install Checked”
  • Finally, you will get another popup, click Install

Now that, you will have SF Mono for all the apps for this user.

2] Install using Command Line

As we know the location of the SF Mono in the macOS. We just need to copy those fonts to respective font’s directory. Open the terminal and type.

$ cd /Applications/Utilities/
$ cp *.otf ~/Library/Fonts/

This will copy all the terminal fonts to users Font directory then those fonts will be available for use.

3] Install using Font Book

You can also install SF Mono font using Font Book app. We have to copy the fonts from /Applications/Utilities/ directory to some other locations. e.g ~/Downloads

  • Open “Font Book” app using spotlight.
  • Select Add Fonts using + button and navigate to the fonts to add them to font book.

I have successfully installed it using the Finder method. Hope that works for you as well.

Enjoy SF Mono Font from Apple!

Note: This article was originally published on personal blog a.k.a XCBlog here.Checkout my XCBlog site for more interesting things about iOS Continuous Integration/Delivery here



Shashikant Jagtap

All the posts published on this channel before I joined Apple. Thanks for being a reader of XCBlog. Web:,